Even though it has so many students, it still manages to cater to each one's needs. It has so many opportunities, and its study abroad program is incredible.
I brga about how beauitful the campus is! It is breath taking and beautiful! You can walk around campus and asorb all of the great artwork and scenery.
How our campus keeps students involved and how the university tries to keep its students active with great recreation areas and countless clubs and activites.
I brag the most about the beautiful campus and how close all my classes are to my dorm. Also, Iowa State is very good with class registration and getting students the classes they need and want to take.
I do not usually brag about college, but when I do is when a professor does not teach well, when I stay up all night studying and I don not get the grade I was expecting, and mostly when I have three tests of the most difficult classes in one day. Nevertheless, bragging does not solve anything that is why I do not talk about it that much; you just got to keep on going and carry onwith your university life.
When talking to my friends I brag about how beautiful the campus is and how the teachers at ISU really want you to succeed. I talk about the good education that I am getting and how people are so caring and compassionate there.
School spirit and Cybird. Students at ISU are proud Cybird fans.
Every aspect of it is bragworthy to me. The feeling of singing Sweet Caroline with 10,000 of your closest friends in Jack Trice Stadium after a football victory, the beautiful scenery I see on central campus when walking between my classes, the opportunities I get to further my passion for journalism, and the wonderful friends and faculty that I have had the pleasure of working with and meeting along the way. The school has helped me find who I am- a journalist, an environmental activist, and a diehard Cyclone.
I brag about how much school spirit there is at Iowa State. Also, how I am never scared to be alone because the campus just feels like home and there's nothing to ever be worried about.
VEISHEA is an annual week-long event that celebrates every college within ISU, and not many schools get such a time-lasting tradition to brag about all the cool stuff they do all year long. Lots of big names come to the school to perform, and there is a lot of history here as well, including the invention of the first ever computer, the first University Agricultural Extension program, and the invention of Rice Krispies as well. Everyone is very welcoming and although there is a large student body, it felt just like the small town I came from.