Someone eager to earn a degree and apply it to a career
Someone should attend this school if they want a culturally different experience and if they want to be challenged academically. Tranfer students should also attend Iowa state if they have had a rough time, academically, at another college because Iowa state resets tranfer student's GPAs back to a 4.0, which gives these students a second chance.
Any type of person can attend Iowa State Unviersity because there is no specific university wide stereo-type. Everyone should keep in mind this is an educational institution. I have met people that forgot they were at Iowa State for school and got caught up in the party scene. College is about balance and treating education seriously. The successful student is determined to succeed by applying him/herself to meeting new people, asking for help from instructors, and ensuring they are understanding what is being taught. Iowa State University is full of interesting people, helpful instructors and demanding curriculum.
Someone who wnats to step out of their box and try new things and meet new people. Iowa State is just big enough yet just small enough for everyone to be able to get involved and to recieve recognition for their involvement.
A wide range of people can attend Iowa State because there is something for everyone. Between 500 campus clubs and intramurals, a wide range of leadership positions, multiple options of living situations between on and off campus living as well as dorms and greek life. There are always activities on and off campus to participate in during the week and weekends. There are multiple churches on campus and in the Ames community, as well as plenty of non-religious students. There are a variety of sexual orientations, races and ethnicities. Overall Ames is a safe, active environment for anyone.
Someone who is interested in a culture that focuses on the student and not the appearance of the school or it's proximity to "power centers"
A person should be focused and willing to learn. Iowa has a lot of additional support services for students.
Any person who is looking to learn a lot but still be able to have a good time.
I believe students who are willing to further their education, want to strive for excellence, and also looking for a college to get them right into the working world once they graduate. Iowa State is all about providing quality tools for its students to succeed not only in college, but in life after college as well (i.e. the work force). If you are hard working, committed, and pursing a life long career after your diploma is given, Iowa State is the place for you to be to become that person you dreamed of becoming back when you were younger.
The kind of student that should attend this school is one who has a strong desire to succeed, acheive in what they put their effort into. A student who is wanting to have a fun college experience and met friends who, in my experience I know will remain with me my whole life. A student who is open minded and wants to learn.