Iowa State University Top Questions

What kind of person should attend Iowa State University?




Anyone looking to gain a higher education in almost any type of field should attend Iowa State University. It is a great institution full of helpful teachers. I'm extrememly satisfied with my time here so far.


Anyone who is interested in a good education (especially in the area of engineering, or someone planning to go to veterinary school) but also get the perfect college experience by having good balances of a social life along with school.


I think there is a place for everyone at Iowa State University. We have a stunningly beautiful campus as well as varied programs from the 7 colleges (Agriculture, Business, Human Science, Engineering, Design, liberal Arts and Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine). The School has just under 30,000 students from all places and walks of life and everyone can find a spot to fit in from big city kid to Iowa farmboy.




The kind of person that should attend Iowa State would be someone who wishes to have a bright and well prepared future. Iowa State has produced many many talented people and they will continue to do so. From the inventer of peanut butter to the recent Nobel Prize winner, many people succeed at this school.


An individual who would like to attend a good college that is large in size, but not overwhelming. Almost anyone could attend, who works hard. This school is good for people interested in engineering, design, agriculture, or veterinary medicine.


Iowa State is a great school that any person would love. This school is great if you are outgoing, social, love school, and if you love being outside, Iowa State has the most beautiful campus you will find. It is a great school and if you are one of those students who need help, they have plenty of resources to fit your needs.


The type of person best suited for Iowa State is someone who loves to be challenged.


A person that is academically-focused, yet also enjoys having a good time would fit in well at ISU. As a liberal person, I was concerned about fitting in at ISU because it is generally thought of as more of a conservative university. I am in the minority, but I have found other people with similar views as my own and enjoy lively discussions with people with whom I disagree.