Iowa residents who yearn to move from their small rural towns to larger cities that still have to contend with their worried parents will find ISU and Ames a perfect gateway to the larger world without giving their parents aneurysms. If you plan on working in science and/or technology this is the perfect school for you. ISU will give you a basic foundation in the humanities but expect to catch-up if you plan on continuing your education at any other school that actually focuses on the humanities - if you attend the COD you definitely will not read Foucault.
Anyone can attend this school but most people who want to attend this school have an interest in a science related feild, design, or engineering.
The person that wants to successed in life. These person have to put a lot of time and effort to graduate from this school in exchange you will obtain skills, friends, and mentors that will help you overcome everything.
You should attend Iowa State University if you know that you want to major in anything that has to do with engineering or computer science; the school is very good in these fields. I believe the pre-vet program is also fairly well-known for the program's vigor. Those who want to study something in the liberal arts should look elsewhere.
Any kind of person can attend this school because of it's size, there is always something to do and someone for everyone to have a friend.
Anyone who has a desire to learn. IT is especially good for people who don't have their minds made up because there are so many options in one place.
Iowa State University is well recognized by its engineer and agriculture programs. The people that attend this university know a good decision when they see one. Iowa State University is thoughtful of its students and has many programs that help students in their academic life. The teachers are polite and you meet a variety of people from different places in the world. Anyone that knows a good deal will understand that this university is right for them. Anyone that is willing to expand their horizons on education would be more than welcome to attend Iowa State University.
I think anybody should come here it's a great school
Iowa State University is well-respected for it's Engineering College, as well as it's Veterinary College, College of Agriculture and Department of Science. That being said, it is a good fit for many different students. It can be a very serious university, or have a very lax atmosphere, all dependant on what you make of it.
If your planning on going into a engineering, agricultural, or vet. med. field, this is the place for you. Also, any science or math field fits right in at Iowa State, too.