Iowa State University Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Iowa State University?


A person who needs the city life should not attend this school.


Anyone who is looking for a party school. We have fun, but we are a lot more focused.


People who don't like bigger campuses or colleges with lots of people shouldn't attend this schoool. Otherwise it is great!


If you aren't ready to accept rapid weather changes, you should not attend Iowa State University. ISU is located in an area with hot summers, muddy springs, chilly falls, and brutal winters.


The kind of people that shouldn't attend this University are those whom show no motivation or signs of responsability. Being responsible in college is a must. Students must meet deadlines and the criteria of the work. Work ethics are important , plagiarism is unecceptable, as well as cheating on exams and assignments. Skipping class hurts students grades, many times I have seen students getting punished for skipping lectures and disturbing class. College is a lot different than High School. We're here to build responsability, learn, participate, and create a better future. Not slack off, miss class, and disturb classmates.


A person that is lazy, not motivated, and not studious, will not make the cut at Iowa State University.


I believe that the only persons that shouldn't attend this school are the persons that lack the will succeed in life. All the people that I have met here at Iowa State University have this will to accomplish all their goals, that they themselves have chosen. The kind of person who does not see themselves as something more than what they are right now is the kind of person that should stay away from Iowa State University. The reason for this is that Iowa State University has a way of changing peoples lives for the better.


Anyone who is dedicated to doing and learning something they love.


Someone who is afraid of meeting new people, or needs to be coddled. This is a big university, and there will always be new people to meet. Similarly, you will usually have new professors each semester, and they can't be expected to hold your hand the entire time. You need to be able to get work done on your own initiative.


Students that will not enjoy this school are people that like the busy, crowded city life. Iowa State is more for students that are involved with agriculture and nature. Students that are not limited on money supply could afford a private and Ivy League schools, Iowa State is more for the average student.