Iowa State University Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Iowa State University?


Any student who would like a lot of diversity in their class should not attend ISU.


If you like big cities, you will not like Iowa State. Ames is a great place, but it definitely has a small, college-town feel.


Iowa State is mainly students from Iowa or states bordering Iowa. It is huge in farming, engineering, and design, and attracts students that are in these fields. Someone who isn't comfortable with a big school or meeting new people every week would feel uncomfortable. The campus is beautiful and welcomes those who want a real college experience.


People that do not have the desire to work should not attend my school. I have seen many bright individuals fail their classes out of laziness, as in not going to class or doing the work required of them. Of course there are people that do not try because the material is too hard to learn; however, my campus provides countless resources for those that are struggling.


The person that shouldn't attend this school is someone who is lazy, doesn't want to work hard, parties all the time, or hates nature. Iowa State is surrounded by nature and if you don't want to work hard then you're going to be kicked out.


Someone uncomfortable in large classes


Someone who doesn't like windy days, and someone who doesn't like the cold. It does get cold during the winter, but it could be a lot colder. People who like warm, sunny and balmy should go farther south.


A quiet, not very outgoing person. This school is very outgoing and a very fun campus to be on. A quiet person would not fit in too well.


The kind of person who shouldn't attend this school is someone who is afraid to have fun. At ISU it is important to get involved and branch out of your comfort zone. Someone who is not open to new experience and an adventurous time would not have a very good experience at this University.


A shy or rude person everyone is friendly and welcoming