Iowa State University Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend Iowa State University?


People that want a diverse experience with a healthy vibrant city.


I don't believe anyone should not attend this school. There is something here for everyone


A person who is not willing to work hard to get where they want to be in life. For example, someone who doesnt care about their future enough to go to school and try to succeed.


Well considering that Iowa State is the College of Science and Engineering, I would suggest that mostly engineering and any science related majors come here. Although Iowa State seems to have a huge design program as well, I'm sure there are other colleges with equally or better design programs. Otherwise, no specific personality type should not attend Iowa State.


A person hoping to be a doctor may not find Iowa State fitting. Anybody seeking a small student body probably would not enjoy Iowa State. This school is not a law school, although it does offer pre-law. Therefore, students seeking jobs in the medical field or in law should not go to this school unless they want to use Iowa State as a step between high school and transferring to a university with the appropriate facalities.


A person who is not motivated should definitely stay away from Iowa State.


Anyone who is from a big city and only appreciates that urban lifestyle. If you are not willing to sacrafice the large crowds, hectic traffic, and commercial noice polution of city life, than don't apply to Iowa State.


A person who is used to living on the beach should not attend this school (although I met one who did)! What I really mean is, it is not warm in the fall and winter months, which is the entirity of my college experience so far. Bundle up!


A kind of person that shouldn't attend this school is one that is not willing to put forth effort into every class you take, especially science classes. Those that feel overwhelmed with class sizes of 400+ would also feel very lost and unimportant to the university.


Be social and welcoming to the diversity on campus along with keep an open mind. Keep a balance social and academic life.