Iowa State University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Iowa State University?


Being from Southern California, the snow is the most frustrating aspect of my school. Classes are rarely if ever cacelled due to weather conditions, which is difficult for people who live off campus and have to commute to class.


Being in a large class can be difficult because there is little room for questions during lecture.


The most frustrating thing about Iowa State University is that as a student in the teacher education program, I was told I would be in the schools a lot my first two years of college. I have only been in a real classroom once in two years, which is frustrating to me because I do not feel like I am getting a complete undergrad experience as a elementary education major.


There is no reciprocity with other states. The out of state cost is too high


The most frustrating thing about Iowa State is the weather during the winter. It is extremely cold and uncomfterable, but bearable for those who take precautions.

Mary Kate

There aren't a lot of free or metered on campus parking spaces.


I can't really think of anything that's frustrating.


The most frustrating thing about my school is how everything is mainly centered around the internet.




The most frustrating thing about Iowa State is the lack of facilities available for the growing student body. Whether it's the dorms, the classrooms, or even the library, the student population is outgrowing the on-campus buildings. Iowa State has attempted to start accomodating these things by securing a few more dorms and building another engineering building, but the buildings that all students can access such as the library could use a little more attention. It is great that the student population is growing, so hopefully the campus facilities will catch up.