It's located in a small town, which means there's less to do on weekends than there would be in a large city.
Inconsistant Wi-Fi coverage and disabiliity resources.
The most frustrating part of this school is that it is growing at an alarming rate with more incoming freshman than they can house easily.
For my personal situation, the most frustrating part of my school is finding ways to support my financials. Money has been very tight with two older sisters graduating from their respective private schools. I have applied to numerous scholarships, grants, and loans to try to relieve the financial burden on my parents. Working throughout the school year, I have paid for books and meals. I hope to find another job to provide some financial security and earn scholarships so I can focus solely on my schoolwork.
I wish that Iowa State would bring more cultural musical groups, or artist to perform. We are a much larger school than University of Northern Iowa, but they seem to bring much more and better entertainment to the school.
The most frustrating thing I would say about my school would have to be the online resources. I understand that for most they are convenient, but almost every one that I have used this first year has crashed at some point in time. I like the fact that things could just be online, eliminating the use for paper waste, but if these programs aer likely to crash I would rather have something I can rely on.
For me the most frustrating part is the school unwilling to help me find ways to reduce the cost for an out of state student. This is a very expensive school in my opinion and I have a very hard time finding enough funding to help me get through each year.
The most frustrating thing about my school is hard to pinpoint. Since I have only completed one year, I have a limited perspective. For me personally, the most frustrating thing is how the statistics department is set up. Responsibilities in Stats 101 are delegated to many different people so if a student has a question about an assignment, they have to go through a lengthy process to ask about how something is graded. This is a very specific and small example of something that is frustrating at my school. That being said, I loved my first year at ISU!
I would have to say the most frustarting aspect about my school is that we are only allowed to have open dorm hours Friday through Sunday. We are allowedd to go in the guys dorm room on Friday, the guys can come in ours on Saturday and Sunday we get to choose. It is very annoying that we are not allowed to have open dorm hours everyday.
we need to take plenty of general classes that have nothing to do with major