Iowa State University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The best thing about the school is that how the students and staff faculty are ethnically diverse. It is kind of surprising since Ames are located in mostly white community and by being in small town it is a good way to see the blend of cultures to increase each other understanding for respecting other people cultures in the US.


The Thing That I Consider to be the best at Iowa State is the learning envrionment. The Environment is friendly and open. The campus is also very studious. The evrionment is both academic and social, allowing students to interact freely.


For a school being in a small town in the Midwest, the university has a great international student population, which brings a lot of diversity and exposure to different cultures. There are great restaurants and shops that are infused with a variety of ethnic cultures.


The Salt Company...Enough said.


Opportunies to try new things and still stay at this university.


The best thing about Iowa State University is that there is something here for everyone. Not only do we have over 100 majors to choose from, but there are over 700 different clubs and organizations to be a part of. I feel that no matter who you are you can find your niche here. Whether you are looking for something artistic, academic, athletic, career driven, leadership based, social, or fun you can find it at Iowa State. I love my campus for providing me with more opportunities than I can physically take part in.


The campus layout. Every thing is very easily accessable and proper maps and directions for those who are unfamiliar. The main Campus is beautiful and was designed by the same person that designed Central Park. It is so peacful just to sit on the lawn and study.


The best thing about Iowa State is the opportunities it offers. ISU is big enough to offer basically any major you want, but small enough that the professors in your major will know your name (once you have classes with them). Between the clubs, research opportunities, intramurals, internships and coops, football games, and everything else going on, Iowa State lets you decide exactly what you want to get out of your time here.


The best part of Iowa State is its amazing campus, and all of the resources that are available to its students. Iowa State has a large campus that is not squeezed into the city but its almost like the city was built away from and around the campus. Iowa State has some amazing research facilities, including the U.S. Department of Energy and Ames labs. and currently is constructing a new chemisty building and a new engineering building of which, both will have new research facilities.


The Greek community. I live in it therefore most of my time is taken up by it and it's really grown on me.