Johnson State College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Johnson State College know before they start?


Visit the campus and do it more than once. If your child is interested in sports or clubs, find someone on-campus who is involved in that particular intrest and see if your child can tag along to an event, game, practice, etc. Once at the school encourage your child to get involved. It's a great way to make great friends. Being involved in something forces you to get out of your dorm room and interacting with other students. If you have a child who is passionate about something that doesn't exist on campus, encourage them to start their own club. No school is going to deny a student the right to start a club. Even at my school we had a Pizza Club: a group of kids who ate pizza and wrote reviews. Anything is possible if you try, and you must try.




College is a time to learn about your self, and others. I ask two things; parents, let your kids make mistakes while they still have you as saport, and students, take chances. If you have the opertunity to do something, then you need to do it. College only happens like this once for you, and if you don't make the most of it while you have the chance, you'll regret it in the future.


Go and see the view....its so worth the view


I would tell them to look around for the best options, tour each college thoroughly, and go to whichever one offers the most financial aide.


College can be whatever a person chooses for it to be. WhenI chose to come to Johnson State College, I made a promise to myself that I would get involved, stay involved, make myself a campus-name, and get straight A's. Since I had clear goals in mind, I was able to achieve all of that and get accepted to medical school. Now, I'm at the University of Miami Medical School and I couldn't be happier with my preparedness.


Don't go to a college just because it has a good name and don't pursue a career just because it is considered "acceptable." Go to the place that fits you best and once your there pursue what you really love. Because in the end that is all that really matters.


Do not go on anything other than acedemics and placement ratio. With how horrible our education system and economy are, it isn't about making friends and being part of all the clubs. It is about making it out with decent grades and a good job.


This is a great school. You have to make your own choices here; you can be the party animal, the book worm, the worker, etc. Do what makes you feel right.


I would encourage parents to enourage their child to attend a community college as the costs are lower and the education similar to most other colleges. Also, prepare your child well for college and make sure they will be financially stable throughout their years attending. Check in with your child but don't put too much pressure on them as college in itself causes enough pressure for the students.