Johnson State College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Johnson State College know before they start?


Selecting the "right" college for yourself or your college-bound kid is essentially impossible. Too many high school graduates are ready to assume that their college pick will be right for them. The best advice I can give is to not put all your eggs into one basket. Know that if you go to that college and the first month or so you feel like it just isn't coming together, give it till the end of a semester or a year. Finish whatever credits you are taking so it is not a loss. If it just feels wrong after that, it may never have been the "right" school. However, attempt to stick it out for a year, it will help immensely. Basically, know that the initial selection process is not everything--there are unforseen factors that come with living away, etc. In the initial selection process, try to interview as many students from the school as possible--and NOT the ones that are paid to say that school is great (aka tour guides). Do a little soul-searching. You want to find a place that not only supports you academically, but also attends to your comforts and social desires.


Know where you want to be, and what kind of atmosphere you will be entering into.


Let thier kids decied where they would be most happy. Dont force them into a school that they dont want to go to. Travel and visit ALL the schools your child is thinking about going to. That was the deciding factor for me.


don't bother applying unless you actually visit the school but i wouldnt even bother applying awful teachers and nothing to do very depressing campus as well


never let anything get in the way of the college of your dreams. never sacrifice what you need from a college, because chances are there is a college out there with exactly what you want. take a lot of time in deciding where you want to o, and start looking early. you have to remember that this is a decision that will affect you for the rest of your life, and you should never make any haphazard decisions. find the school you love, and try harder than ever before to get in because this school is going to make a world of difference.


Go to seems like a simple concept, but many freshman don't go, because no one is there to tell them to go to class.


Don't be afraid to be yourself. Get out there and have fun.


Do you research, ask questions, think carefully before making your final decision.


It seems as if the biggest thing stopping students from pursueing their greatest dreams and goals is the cost of education. The best advice I was given before attending an insitution was not to worry about money now, but the quality of your education, and despite that advice, I still went with the cheapest institution, and am now regreting it. Obtaining the best possible quality of education should be the greatest determining factor when searching for schools. If it is in your heart... do it! Not only that , but you will find that paying more for a college will positively influence what you learn, how your learn, and not to mention the quality of entertainment and activities around you. Generally, higher priced schools put more into extra-curricular activities, sports, and not to mention their food program (which makes a substantial difference)! Get out there and experience all that you can from social events and activities to taking all different kinds of classes regardless if they are a part of your major. Think about it, this experience only happens once in a lifetime if not all for some so make the best of it !


It's okay to transfer! Sometimes the school that you thought was going to be the school of your dreams can turn out to be very dissapointing, never stay if you're unhappy the best thing to do is transfer. It's not as hard and scary as one might think.