Kansas State University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Kansas State University? Is this stereotype accurate?


friendly and helpful. yes, this campus is very friendly and helpful.


A common stereotype is that K-State students, because of the schools location, are farmers or hicks. Another stereotype is that K-State is in the middle of nowhere. Both of these stereotypes are false. While some K-State students did grow up on farms or live in the country, more than half of the students are from the Kansas City area or a big city. Also, K-State is in the Northeastern Kansas region, but is located in the city of Manhattan, Kansas. Manhattan has a lot of things to do, and has everything you need that bigger cities have. So, while you are driving there it may seem like you're heading to the middle of no where, but once you get to K-State and become familiar with Manhattan, you realize what all things there are to do.


A common stereotype is that K-State students, because of the schools location, are farmers or hicks. Another stereotype is that K-State is in the middle of nowhere. Both of these stereotypes are false. While some K-State students did grow up on farms or live in the country, more than half of the students are from the Kansas City area or a big city. Also, K-State is in the Northeastern Kansas region, but is located in the city of Manhattan, Kansas. Manhattan has a lot of things to do, and has everything you need that bigger cities have. So, while you are driving there it may seem like you're heading to the middle of no where, but once you get to K-State and become familiar with Manhattan, you realize what all things there are to do.


A lot of people think that we are all "country folk" and walk around in boots. Indeed, some do, but not all. K-State is a prestigious university with a strong agriculture program. But there are many majors, many people, and many cultures displayed throughout the campus.


The cool thing about K-State is although there are the typical stereotypes (frat stars, stoners, study nerds, the over-involved activist, etc.), there is a mutual understood respect that runs throughout each group. Regardless of who you are or where you came from, if you're wearing purple, you're accepted.


Stereotypes about universities can change drastically as you speak to people from different parts of the world and people with different ages and gender. In order to fully experience the type of students that attend a university, the best thing to do is visit the campus. However, Kansas State University is consistently ranked highly among schools across the nation in campus friendliness. With this in mind, the main stereotype of KSU is that it is a campus full of people that are willing to help. The jocks, frat kids, stoners and geeks all fit in on campus in their own way, but together, we can form a positive stereotype of a friendly group.


The most common stereotype of students at our school is that we are all hicks and rednecks. Being the agriculture college of Kansas we have developed this stereotype, though in the last ten years many of our other colleges have become very strong. The colleges of architecture, engineering, as well as our interior design program are all top 10 programs in the nation. With such strong majors in those fields we have began bringing in a very diverse student population. Our Greek system is also very strong here at Kansas State University. 20{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the student population is in one of the 24 traditional fraternities or 13 sororities. The Greek system at K-State is also very involved, holding 65{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the leadership positions on campus the Greeks have proven that they have developed a very strong network throughout campus as well as Manhattan.


The most common stereotype of students at our school is that we are all hicks and rednecks. Being the agriculture college of Kansas we have developed this stereotype, though in the last ten years many of our other colleges have become very strong. The colleges of architecture, engineering, as well as our interior design program are all top 10 programs in the nation. With such strong majors in those fields we have began bringing in a very diverse student population. Our Greek system is also very strong here at Kansas State University. 20{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the student population is in one of the 24 traditional fraternities or 13 sororities. The Greek system at K-State is also very involved, holding 65{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the leadership positions on campus the Greeks have proven that they have developed a very strong network throughout campus as well as Manhattan.


A lot of people believe that teachers go easier on jocks because they're not as intellectual, but since they are representing the school in a positive manner that they deserve some slack when in reality they have to work just as hard as the rest of us.


There are a few different stereotypes thrown around the campus of Kansas State University. One of the largest stereotypes from other schools would be that we are all hicks at K-State, due to the fact that it is a large agriculture school. During my experience at K-State I have learned that the stereotype is very misleading. Yes, K-State is a agriculture school, and I'm sure a good one, though it also has many great majors to offer, from Journalism and Mass Communications to Bio Engineering.