Kansas State University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Kansas State University? Is this stereotype accurate?


Really nice, caring people is the steriotype of my school. People are genuinely interested in you here. It was my first impression and still is. I've had friends visit and they say the same thing everytime. Other than that, everyone is diverse. There are a lot of smart, talented hard workering students who still love to enjoy life!


At Kansas State University you will definitely find these three most common stereotypes: Geeks, Farmers, and the party-goers. We have a great agriculture and engineering program at our school. The College of Agriculture brings...you guessed it!...Farmers! However, contrary to typical belief, some city-folk attend this college as well. I was in the program my freshman year, as I desired to become a Veterinarian. Also, a new Ag business major is becoming more popular amongst the "general" people. The Engineering school not only brings "geeks" to k-state, but also many foreign exchange students. It is so cool to get to know people from different cultures and background than you! It's one of the great things K-state has going for their school! Finally, the party-goers at k-state are evident. Conveniently enough, the town of Manhattan has a quaint little downtown called Aggieville right next to campus! And yes, it is frequented on "Thirsty Thursdays" and weekends. However, Aggiville, despite what many think, isn't just a party place! I go there quite often with my friends to grab a bite to eat, shop at Varneys Bookstore, or go to the Radinas coffee shop. Whenever my family comes to visit me, I always bring them to the popular Aggieville! P.S. the Chipotle there is AMAZING! In conclusion, yes, my school does live up to its stereotypes; they're there for a reason! But, oftentimes there is so much more going on behind the scenes that you really can't know unless you visit!.....or check out sites like this one. ;-)


Well, for the most part, KSU students, as students enrolled at a big state university, have that reputation for being crazy, drunken sports fans. However, for the most part, I've found that this isn't true. Of course there are those people who go out to Aggieville and get wasted, but they're a very loud minority. For the most part, while most of the students here are very supportive of sports teams, and things can get a little wild at times, people handle themselves pretty well. A lot of students don't even go to the games!


With every college comes a diverse range of stereotypes. At K-State, we have a couple of common ones: farmers and frat stars. The "farmer" stereotype stems from our wonderful agriculture program that we have here. Although we have this outstanding program in a rural community, the agriculture students due not overwhelm the campus. We have a diverse community with many differing people and majors. The "frat stars" stereotype has become a more prominent stereotype due to our large Greek system. These individuals can be seen as "better than the rest" or the "partiers." What you may not know, though, is that people in the Greek community make up for approximately 80{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the leadership positions on campus. Our Greek system is made up of amazing individuals who strive for the betterment of themselves and our university.


With every college comes a diverse range of stereotypes. At K-State, we have a couple of common ones: farmers and frat stars. The "farmer" stereotype stems from our wonderful agriculture program that we have here. Although we have this outstanding program in a rural community, the agriculture students due not overwhelm the campus. We have a diverse community with many differing people and majors. The "frat stars" stereotype has become a more prominent stereotype due to our large Greek system. These individuals can be seen as "better than the rest" or the "partiers." What you may not know, though, is that people in the Greek community make up for approximately 80{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the leadership positions on campus. Our Greek system is made up of amazing individuals who strive for the betterment of themselves and our university.


The rednecks and potheads of K-State main campus and the cocky pilots and nerdy engineers of the Salina campus comprise the majority of student stereotypes at KSU. While there are a select few students who see these stereotypes as badges of honor and do their damnedest to live up to every aspect of their perspective title, they are in the minority on both campuses. K-State has some world class degree programs that attract many students who are interested in those fields, and while many of those fields come with a stereotype attached, the relaxed campus atmosphere gives you enough freedom to explore who you are without the burden of those constraints. As for the pothead stereotype, the sad but true fact is no matter where you go there are always a few people who have made some poor life choices, but honestly unless you are intentionally seeking it out, you won't even know it's going on. Even if you are in a degree field with a stereotype the atmosphere on campus doesn't allow those stereotypes to define you!


Kansas State University is an Agriculture school but it is much more than that. There are students that come from farms but there is a good mix of students from all over and from very different backgrounds. There is so many different types of people here but one overall consensus is that students at K-State are nice. Everyone is friendly and willing to help you which isn't something that all universities have, especially one as large as K-State. There's something about Manhattan that makes it a very enjoyable place to live.


People generally stereotype K-State students as either being cowboy hicks, stupid sorority/fraternity members, cocky pilots, or the people who are involved in way too many things. While many of these stereotypes exist on the main and Salina campuses, I think our that the labels instantly are forgotten once you meet the welcoming and warm people on campus. Everyone seems to have their own stories and backgrounds, which is what makes us so unique.


Because K-State was founded as a land grant University, many people have a stereotype about K-State being all Ag kids who chew tobacco and drive tractors. While there are people who might fall into that category it's definitely not the most accurate description of our school. We have accelled in both football and basketball for athletics, won the national championship for debate last year and are overall average college students with a very diverse campus.