Kansas State University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Kansas State University? Is this stereotype accurate?


I don't believe there is a strong stereotype for all of the students at Kansas State. There are around 24,000 students currently enrolled, therefore there is much diversity. We do have a prominent Greek system, but it is balanced out by a large number of foreign students, athletes, farm kids, and many other "types" of students. Prior to coming to K-State, the only stereotype I had heard about our university is that it is made up of "hicks" and that it is a farm town. This stereotype is very far from the truth. Kansas State has several different groups, and there is a place for every student to fit in.


For starters, it's dung-smelling hicks in cowboy boots who chew on toothpicks. It's also, say, all farmers, born and bred in the little apple or western Kansas. Stereotypes harbor bits of truth, of course, and it's true that many K-state students come from farming families and western Kansas, and some even wear cowboy boots. But what's much more the truth is that K-state is composed of all sorts of people with various interests, religious views, and ethnicities. The University in general, and particularly K-state, is a microcosm of the true melting pot, brimming with every kind of person.


I would say that the most common stereotype for Kansas State to outsiders is that we are all rednecks. This stereotype is brought on because we are a leading agriculture university in the United States. Although we have an excellent agriculture program, we have many programs to fit any type of person! I would say the stereotype is inaccurate because I see a bunch of students that don't fit the stereotype of a "redneck". Actually, I see more students wearing tennis shoes and ball caps then I see wearing cowboy boots and Wranglers. KSU has many different programs to fit a wide variety of people!


The stereotype at K-State is that all students are crazy partiers, but that is not the case. Most of the people I know are hardworking students who have fun, but take their education seriously. There is a diverse student body here.


I honestly don't know of any stereotypes associated with our students.


Some stereotypes are that some students are racist, all the students care about is athletics, stoners.


We have quite a wide variety of students at our school. Taking a glance around you see lots of fraternity and sorority kids walking next to the aggies (agriculture students), of which there are many. You can always tell the architect students by the glaze in their eyes from not sleeping in a month and a half. The rest of us fall somewhere in the middle. Overall, the stereotypes don't usually keep anyone from anyone else, and just like our Library, we're open to anyone!


I would say that the most common stereotype for Kansas State to outsiders is that we are all rednecks. This stereotype is brought on because we are a leading agriculture university in the United States. Although we have an excellent agriculture program, we have many programs to fit any type of person! I would say the stereotype is inaccurate because I see a bunch of students that don't fit the stereotype of a "redneck". Actually, I see more students wearing tennis shoes and ball caps then I see wearing cowboy boots and Wranglers. KSU has many different programs to fit a wide variety of people!


I would say that the most common stereotype for Kansas State to outsiders is that we are all rednecks. This stereotype is brought on because we are a leading agriculture university in the United States. Although we have an excellent agriculture program, we have many programs to fit any type of person! I would say the stereotype is inaccurate because I see a bunch of students that don't fit the stereotype of a "redneck". Actually, I see more students wearing tennis shoes and ball caps then I see wearing cowboy boots and Wranglers. KSU has many different programs to fit a wide variety of people!


You can't truly stereotype a body of students this large from what I've seen in my experience. Thats part of the beauty of K-State and other institutions like it, the potential to find what you're going to be and how you're going about being it is vast and endless. One major trend I have noticed here is that a majority of the students spend a lot of their time in Hale Library, I feel like that does much to reflect what the university is all about.