I brag about the fact that you are able to take online classes at night, that they fit into your time schedule, especially when you have a family. Also the way that you can do all your classes online, technology is awesome and it amazes me how I can attend school online in the comfrot of my own home. Awesome school for me.
"He's reading at a fourth-grade level even though he's only in third," a dad tells me. We're at an indoor soccer class where Crab kid is meant to be dribbling and trapping the ball along with her fellow four-year-olds but she's lying on the floor instead. She's bored. Me too, because I'm trapped with Brag daddy!
A bit of background: I know this dad slightly, but not well. He's talking about his older kid. We are engaged in what is idle chitchat. We talk about weird stuff outside of school!!!
The ease of use and scheduling in the online environment while juggling work and family as well.
My experiences at Kaplan compelled me to tell other about what I was learning because I was so excited. Learning is fun for me but some think they cannot do it and others think that it would be too hard. I will agree that distance learning is more difficult than the literal classroom learning and perhaps not as fun because there is not one on one interaction that is face to face, but if you are serious about your education and it works for you, it is easy to tell others about your positive experience.
I really like Kaplans promptness, they always return phone calls and make sure that you understand anything that has beed discussed during the conversation.
I brag that I am going online and that for me as a student I feel that this is easier to me. I also brag on the classes and how I enjoy them and the ease in which the transition to Kaplan was and the way I handle my classes and how they help me along. I also brag at how great my advisors are and how everyone there seems to want to help every step of the way.
I tell them about the flexability that this school offers. Being able work a full time job and attend school full time is very difficult. Going to a school that offers class that fit my schedule is really somthing to brag about.
I really only have one thing to brag about at this time since I am returning to school after a fifteen year break. I love the way technology has affected education. I tell everyone that if online degree programs were not available it would not be possible for me to continue my education at this time. The flexibility offered at Kaplan University has made a long awaited goal of mine a reality.
I like to tell people about the flexibility of attending an on-line course, the college offers a lot of support in their programs. Teacher are extremely open to helping out their students and there is constant communication with you academic advisor.
Most of my bragging is made about my grades. I love to be ahead of the game when in school or anything else. I have currently a 3.65 GPA and I am looking to raise that this semester. I love bragging about being on the deans list and presidents list when I make them also.