Kaplan University-Davenport Campus Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Kaplan University-Davenport Campus?


I love to tell my friends about all of the clubs and organizations to get involved with on campus; there is something for everyone! I was used to having a limited pool to choose from in high school, but since coming to college, I have been able to immerse myself in clubs related to my major and career path as well as clubs just to meet people to hang out with. It really has made my transition to college much easier and has allowed me to meet so many great people.


The school I attend is very easy and when you need help all you have to do is ask. They are very polite and will help you with any questions you have, and if they do not know, they will get back to you with the answer. They do not just say the will, they actually find it out and contact you with the answer.


The community of students. I talk with people all across the country, sharing our thoughts on our lessons.


I can go to class on-line and do the assignments at my leisure.


No teams!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mostly, the school offers a constructive aspect of learning, and the approach used is suitable to anyone desired of pursuing their education and increase their knowledge.


I brag about how much I'm learning! You have to be self-motivated when you attend school online; and at the age of 48, I am definitely motivated and enjoy school so much that I wish that could be my career.


Online classes is not for everyone because a student needs to committ 100 percent on homework, discussion, and projects or otherwise you will get behind. Above all, I recommend this school for someone who doesn't have time to go to a brick and mortar school due to family and job. Kaplan Online is the best investment on achieving my goal in getting my bachelors degree in Business Management.