Kaplan University-Hagerstown Campus Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Kaplan University-Hagerstown Campus? Is this stereotype accurate?


I would guess the stereotype of the students at Kaplan is that we are non-traditional students. From my experiences, most students have jobs and families that take up a lot of their time and doing Kaplan online is the best way for them to advance their education.


Stereotyping occurs in schools all over the country from elementary to high school and yes, even college. I found that people that I would discuss my education with automatically stereotyped me as a geek or nerd, which pegged me as being smart or bound to make it somewhere in life other then where I was at. Because my college was 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} online education there was even a bigger threat to stereotyping as a nerd considering the hours you spend in-front of a computer. What isn't usually understood is that you don't have to be computer savvy or smart to educate yourself through online courses, you just have to have the motivation!


I believe that their are many people who judge online students as being lazy, uneducated, and unintelligent. During my first term at Kaplan University I had the opportunity to speak with some of the hardest working, determined, and smartest individuals that I have ever met. I want to prove to everyone that just because I go to an online school does not mean that I do it because I am a slacker or lazy but because it's the only choice that I have. I work and take care of my sick parents.


The stereotype of Kaplan University online is that it is all adults that are starting late in their college education. This is not quite true. Some are changing careers or just furthering their degree plans.


Geeks love to learn.


There is no stereotypr in my school. As an older person returning to school, I have never felt that I was older than my class as everyone is treated equally by the Instructors and your fellow classmates.


When I speak of my experience to friends of mine I find that Kaplan Online University tends to peak the interest of those that are self motivators, able to learn on their own, and knows how to meet deadlines. Originally, I found online schooling a little frustrating because I did not attend an actual classroom where I could speak to a professor to get my answers quickly. Instead, I would email professors and hope that I would get an answer back before the assignment was due. Now, I am much more confident in being able to work alone and solve my own problems as I have been very successful with my assignments and projects. Being motivated to get my work done on time has also helped me to be successful. Self motivation and family support allowed me to attend class and be on vacation at the same time.Kaplan University also has the schedule for the term planned out for you and as long as you meet those deadlines you will gain the most amount of points and be very successful. Attending an online university comes with some negatives, but for those that can do it, Kaplan University is a great place to attend.


This question is difficult for me to answer. I am an online student so I do not attend a campus in order to accurately answer this question. I could make an assumption but I do not think that would be fair.


Through Kaplan University's online program I would say there isn't any stereotypes. it is hard to stereotype people you cannot see or hear. This is what makes this school exciting because you don't have to worry about others grouping you into certain groups.


To each their own and honestly stereotyping is jugding other people without truly knowing them so I believe that we are all here for the same thing.