Kaplan University-Hagerstown Campus Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Kaplan University-Hagerstown Campus? Is this stereotype accurate?


I don't believe there is a stereotype of students and Kaplan University. The students are of all ages and backgrounds working on their degrees via the internet.


Kaplan University Online allows for a very diverse set of students. I have met many men and women of all ages through the online courses and I have learned much from them. There is not one set stereotype for these students except for this: they are all trying to better themselves and their families through furthering their education. Online schooling requires self-motivation and perseverence, and each Kaplan University Online student that I've met has had these.


The stereotype of students at my school is that they are lazy and no it is not accurate


Since it is an online college, I don't think that there are as many issues with stereotypes. I went to my undergrad at OSU and sterotypes seemed to be more of an issue. Jocks were thought of as not as smart. People that wanted to do well in school could be considered nerds. But at Kaplan, I don't get any of that. Everyone is there just for the educations and not for the social experience. Classmates and teachers cannot see you, so they don't form any kinds of expectations about you. I felt that this allowed me to feel more comfortable being myslef.


I would say that many people believe that Online students are just too lazy to attend a classroom. I have to say that this is untrue. Most online students have full time jobs, are parents and are striving to better themselves. This platform is the only way to fit in school in to their busy schedules.


I would say geeks and business individuals are the common stereotypes of students in my school.


There are mostly working adults and service men and women going to school at Kaplan University.


First, I want to start by saying I absolutely love Kaplan University. The people that attend are neccesarily in any stereotype. Most of the people that attend are those that are single parents, have working careers, do not like the classroom setting and choose the online method, or have tried other schools and failed. Kaplan Univeristy is the 3 college I have attended. I tried another university and di not like the group project so I left and came to Kaplan. I am a single parent and this is the only way for me to get my degree. However, there are also many students that simply do not like the classroom setting or other schools so they came to kaplan.


The students at Kaplan were well rounded, educated people. They were there to help a fellow classmate when needed.


I think one main stereotypes of online learning is that we somehow are getting subpar learning. This is just not the case. All of our professors are professionals in their fields. They are a wealth of information about things inside and outside (the real world) of our textbooks and learning materials. Anyone who needs an adult education model that believes in their students, I suggest you go for Kaplan University!