Kennesaw State University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


I get a real sense of community on campus. No matter where I go, there is always someone willing to help. Students, professors, and staff are very open to ideas and many other things. The other thing I love about Kennesaw State University is that fact that it just became a state university in 1996 and has grown so much in the past 12 years. We are reaching close to 22,00 students, a football team is in the works, and it's just amazing to be a part of all the growth.


It is in a growing suburban area, so there are constantly new things around. The school itself is very new and that is part of the reason I love it. The overall education is great


The location of Kennesaw State is ideal. If you like outdoors, you can spend your time at Kennesaw Mountain. If you prefer the city, it is minutes away from Atlanta. There are off campus jobs readily available, and there are a lot of apartment options. On campus housing is better than most universities. The student poulation is very diverse.


The people and teachers are very friendly. The staff is easy to talk to and teachers are always willing to help.


Our new president really appreciates all areas of the school from sports to the arts and everything in between. He really values the student body and is willing to listen if there is something we need or want changed.


Its just big enough and just small enough


The size of the school and location are the best things about it. You don't just feel like a number but you're still part a big group of kids. Also, the majority of people here both work and attend school, and the profs seem to realize that.


The opportunities that are offered on campus are very diverse and allow for each and every student to make the best out of themselves, whatever that may be. There are so many programs offered on and off campus.


I would say the professors. They are all very helpful and want to see the students succeed in his or her class. Kennesaw Professors really do care!