I think anyone could attend this college. Very diverse
If you are afraid to be at a school that is very big, I would not attend Kent State University. The campus is large and very spread out.
In my opinion, a student who is looking for a very strict, high-strung college experience should not attend Kent State University. In addition, someone who is looking to live on a very large campus with an immense amount of students should also not go here.
There are only a few kinds of people that should not attend this school. People who are jerks, and people who do not like learning, and people who do not like a social envirovent.
People who do not take their education seriously should not attent Kent State. If you are unwilling to put forth the effort to go to classes and do well in them then do not bother attending at all. I know of a girl who was completely kicked out of the school becasue her GPA was so low because she had just stopped attending classes.
I feel like Kent State is a school for anyone. There are all kinds of different diversities on campus so it is never hard to find a friend. Everyone is super kind and friendly. The only type of people that I feel like would not like Kent, are people that are looking for a small school and one on ne with proffesors. With Kent being so big and the classes are being so big, it is hard for one on one time with professors like you would get at a small school.
Someone that doesn't like long walks or waiting in long lines should probably avoid Kent. It is a large campus, with a large student body. Personally, I like the number of people and how buzzing the campus is during the day, but it could become overwhelming for some.
Someone who isn't willing to work hard and thinks that they can just party thier way through. The school is challenging and requires alot of hard work, but if you apply yourself good grades are attainable.
A person who is looking for a lot of school spirit when it comes to sports should not attend this school. There is a lot of dedication to academics and activities but not as much for athletics.
Someone who doesn't like a big campus with a lot of students or someone who wants very small classes.
Kent State is a school that is open minded. This school is very liberal and non-judging as a school can be. Anyone who cannot accept people of different ethnicities and religious values should not come to Kent State. KSU is a great school full of diversity and most people find that a good thing. Anyone close-minded and bigoted should stay away.
A person that should not attend Kent State is a person who has a low work ethic. To be able to succed you have to do work outside of class and most of the time the work you are doing you would not get credit for. You do the extra work that is not even assigned to you so that you can get an A on your exam. You have to have the drive to go to class and be an active listener to absorb the information. You have to set a goal and not stop until you reach it.
The kind of person that should not attend Kent State is someone that can not accept others for who they are, someone who is not dedicated to their future and school work, and someone who is not open to trying new things and making new friends.
If you are someone who does not like other people, you should not attend this school. Even though Kent has thousands of students, it still feels like a close communitity. Everyone is nice and firendly to one another. If you like to be left alone, don't go to Kent State. Chance are someone will try to be-friend you.
someone who is commited to their work but does not take everything too seriously
Someone who is distracted easly
Someone that isn't willing to work towards bettring themselves or others around them, as well as someone who dosen't like to socialize with people and broaden their minds to different cultures and ways of living, shouldn't attend Kent State University.
The kind of person that should not attend this school is one who is unappreciative for what they have. Though college schooling tuition is costly, Kent State is a very rewarding and motivational school. The faculty and staff are consistantly more concerned with students succeeding than anything else. A person who is unappreciative or unmotivated enough, in my opinion, to take the fortunate tools that we are given to succeed should not bother applying for this school. This university is very rewarding though if the tools are not taken advantage of then it can be an unfortunate and costly waiste.
The type of person that should not attend Kent State University is one who does not have a good work ethic. At Kent all of us students are pushed to do the best that we can working towards a degree. Student success is a top priority but we are all expected to do our part as well.
The sort of person who really wants a smaller more student-focused school should look elsewhere. There are many of other choices where they could have the supports and things around that they would want.