Lancaster Bible College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Lancaster Bible College know before they start?


I wouldn't change anything that I already did. In high school, I worked hard and made school a priority. My goal was to keep my grades up so that I could get into a good college. This work ethic has helped me so much in college! The change felt natural and I was fully prepared. I also am glad that I focused on friendship in high school. When I graduated, I had a core group of friends who were there to hold me accountable and be there for me. Having strong friendships made the transition into college a lot easier because I was walking alongside my peers who were experiencing the same thing I was. Taking academics seriously in high school will help you take college classes seriously as well. I feel as though I was fully prepared for college.


You need to pick a school where you feel academically challenged, you can immediately be actively involved in the community, and you are comfortable with your personality. One of the most important parts of college is learning to live with a roommate. Put aside judgment and expectations of others. Your roommate may not be your best friend, but she still deserves respect, courtesy, and a chance to be herself. You cannot put unreasonable expectations on her. Stay to your convictions because there is opportunity to give them up. I have so many friends who sold out in their first year. College is absolutely about academics and earning a degree, but it is an amazing socializing agent. Having the life skill of socializing appropriately is nearly as vital as the education you gain. Most of all, trust God to provide for all of your needs. This is a very important decision in your life. God will direct you where He needs you to be, and He will work through you wherever you choose.


Take CLEP tests! You are studying math, history and english right now so it's fresh in your mind, get those classes out of the way for cheap. Also, keep your options open. Going to college later in life is hard, and although a lot of good things have come from those years of working it would have been so nice to be under the parent's insurance and not paying for the car and phone. Just keep your head up, study each opportunity and pray that God will be with you in each decision you make. Don't go about life being selfish and thinking about today, live for your future and make decisions for tomorrow. And don't make the mistake of thinking you have to work a job you dislike forever, you can make a living doing what you love, even if you aren't the best in the field, you have amazing talents! Be yourself and live with passion!


There are so many thing that I would love to tell myself if I could go back in time. One) I would let myself know to apply for college scholarships while I was young, get involved in lots of community service and talk to guidance counselors a lot to help me determine what to take in college. Two) I would tell myself to not worry so much about boys, or hanging out with friends and to really focus on school, because all those distractions will keep you from achieving amazing things. Three) Take the opportunity to travel, study abroad, learn new things and have a little fun, you are only young once. And Lastly, don't be discouraged. Try subjects that will challenge you and keep focused. Before you know it you will be done with school, so don't not go for a career because of how long it takes. With all the time I have been in school, I could have been a lawyer already. Try not to take any semester breaks, because it gets increasingly harder to go back to school and you also start to forget what you have learned. Trust me I know from experience.


When I first started out in high school I wasn’t the best student or the most attentive. For two of my school years I played with my future by having a nonchalant attitude and a more focus on my appearance rather than school work itself. Now that I’m in college I have opened a new door to many things in my life, the atmosphere isn’t focused on appearance everyone in college is goal-oriented. If I could have just 30 minutes to talk with my high school self and give him “for future advice” I would tell him to stay focused, work hard, be true to you, and leave the outer appearance alone its only labyrinth that’s set up through your peers. I have a passion for music; singing has always been a hobby. I had plenty of opportunities to further my career in music, but I turned them around. I would tell the younger me to try out for American Idol, perform because practice makes perfect, and perfection makes you successful.


Its senior year in high school and as the final bell rang one afternoon I found myself heading toward my locker when suddenly I recoiled back in shock as I discovered an older version of myself starring back at me. “I’ve come back to give you some advice.” the older me stated. “The first thing you need to do is to wipe that smug attitude off yourself. As soon as you get to college you’re going to suddenly realize that maybe you don’t know as much as you thought you did. When you move into the dorm you are going to have to figure out what you believe in and what you stand for, because there are as many different opinions as there are stars in the sky and people are going to challenge you. Finally, you need to realize that college is not about your pride in academics, or honors, but it’s about being able to help others through what you have learned. It’s about giving something back.” Suddenly I found myself alone again awith those last words ringing in my ears, wondering if this had all just been a dream.


I am in the Elementary Education program, I've learned how to teach and discipline children. I am learning to become a teacher in a Christian atmosphere. Also, once I graduate, I can teach in public or private schools and teach overseas.


I would love to answer this question with happy experiences shared with my high dollar, far away from home, friend and experience infested university but I am unable to. I have been attending a two year community college in my home town. I have been living with my parents and attending night classes so I can work during the day to save up enough money to move out. I have watched my friends and more importantly boyfriend of three years move away to their dream colleges with their parents footing the bill and having a great college experience. I am happy for them but can not help but want the same for myself. My junior and senior year of high school I looked and applied for scholarships but was unable to receive one. I have continued the search but it has so far been of no success. Maybe this will be my way to a new freedom at my dream college or maybe it will be another hit and miss, either way at least I tried.


I have gained understanding of the Bible, friendships, and a new enviornment. First, since LBC is bibically grounded I have grown immensly in my faith while being in school here. I have studied the first five books of the Bible so far and am thoroughly enjoying it. Secondly, I have learned about friendships. I have made some of the best friends since being here. The girls I am around have my back through anything and care so deeply about me. When one is struggling we are able to ban together and pray. Also, I have been able to enjoy and explore a new enviornment. I am origionally from Maryland so it has been fun living in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. It has meant everything to me to attend here because I love it here. The new ideas I am learning mean so much to me.


Go with confidence! You've got a good head on your shoulders and you will make the transition just fine. God is with you and has lead you to the best school for you. When you get to college, dont worry about being undecided. Don't feel pressured to choose a major right away, either. Take your time. Explore your options. You'll find the career God is calling you to. You might begin to worry if it doesnt happen soon enough, but that is the time to trust all the more. When you do find that nitch that fits you, pursue it with your whole heart! Don't let it become uninspiring to you. Strive to maintain the passion you had when you first dreamed it and never stop growing and learning. You're going to make a difference. You are going to make an impact on the world around you. God is with you. Go with confidence!