First thing I would tell myself is to not drop out of high school, and to soak in all the education that I could. I would tell myself to pick up better study habits and never stop persevering. I would remind myself of how greater a future will come out of pushing through my studies, and preparing myself for life. I would say Yordania, don't allow yourself to fall victim to yet another statistic of high school drop outs. I would say how hard it could be to afford just going to school, an to push to get good grades and scholarships. Keep on the path to possibilities!
I am a transfer student. My senior year I decided to attend SUNY Delhi. During my first semester I became consumed witht he party scene and it greatly affected my work ethic. Towards the end of my first semester I decided to transfer to Lancaster Bible College. There was no drinking or night life and it was a drastic change I decided I needed for my self. This was a great life choice but it came with its downfall. Much of my credits did not transfer. Although I am a sophmore, the amount of credits I am place me in the category of "freshman". If I could go back in time and speak to myself during the time I made my college decision, I would urge myself to go to Lancaster Bible College. I want to graduate and start my career as soon as possible and my transfer has now hindered that. I will be taking summer courses to catch up. College is not free. An entire semester wasted at SUNY Delhi was not free. It was a $10,000 mistake that I wish I had the oppertunity to warn myself about in my senior year.
I would say:
"Jesse, sorry that you've always been very different from your classmates, but you're going to have to remain different. Your intellect, your personality, your interests--all were made purposely, and they will serve a purpose. Don't get down, though, when times come when you are excluded by a group you wish to be so a part of--you will even be excluded by other Christians. Not because you've committed some egregious sin, but because most in the Church today have trouble with diversity in intellect, and they do not give as much thought to certain things as you. I know you're tired of public school, and that you wish to find people like you. You will here and there, but the purpose for which you are destined calls you above average joe-shmoe clicks and cirlces. Be confident in who you are. You have no idea of what you are capable of."
Don't settle for what is closest to home or cheapest. I did that my first year and ended up hating it. I would tell myself to take advantage of campus visit days, stay overnight, get to know people on campus before choosing a college. I would say it is NOT easy, it is very different, but to do my best!
Study a lot harder than you did and save your money. College is hard and expensive so be prepared for some hard times.
It is the best time of your life, don't waste it.
Its not as bad as it seems....just requires more work.
Go somewhere else to school. Look for something with more options.
Use your first year to take classes that offer a variety of fields so that you can get a taste of what you do and do not want to do. Take as many general classes from community college to keep your costs down,. As much as you may not like it, work during your school year, even as little as ten hours a week. It will help in the long run. Have fun. You only get this experience once. :)