College helped me to be a well rounded person. I was able to apply brainstorming techniques at my current job. The interpersonal speech class has taught me how to listen to others and to understand their different personalities. My public speaking and acting classes helped me to project my voice and not be afraid to speak in front of others. My storytelling classes helped me to break out of my shell and be creative and imaginative. I was not afraid to try different and new things. It also gave others in the class the strength to break out of their shells because someone else had done it first. I was glad that in someway I had made a small change in others.
I have gotten a lot out of my college experience. I have learned that I have to push to do my best thing do not always come easy to people. I have also learned that I am vey lucky to be able to go to college and have a family there to help me make it through. Not everyone has a family to help them, so when things get to hard they drop out. They do not get yo have all their hopes and dreams come true. I have seen first graders this year that told me that want to go to college when they get older, but if it gets to hard they will not go. This just shows me that people do not help these children and tell them to push through things will get better in the end. I want to be able to help these children to follow their dreams.
Throughout my first year of college, I have learned several valuable life lessons. I have been fully emerged in a diverse field of study and have taken several classes which have expanded my knowledge of the world around me. I have become more accepting of those who are different from me by understanding the ways in which they are similar to me. My college experience has also taught me the value of hard work, and the rewards which can be won from honest work. The knowledge that I have acquired has been rewarding in itself. It is a great feeling to have the knowledge of history, science, math, etc. I believe that everyone should have a chance to attend college so that they can realize the benefits of a further education.
I feel I have learned more in the last three semesters I have been at LVC than I learned in my entire school career. If I didn't understand something the professors were always right there to help and to answer questions. Strangers here have become family and I wouldn't trade them for the world. The people here are welcoming and helpful. There are numerous clubs and a variety to chose from so everyone is sure to find something that interests them. My classes are small and all my professors know my name and support me. I feel if I had gone anywhere else I wouldn't have memories near as great as I do now. I wouldn't trade the last three semesters for the world.
I will start my first semester as a freshmen in a few days. My first impression was that everyone was really nice and friendly. I am also learning that I have a lot more responsibiliites to worry about now. Such as buying text books, paying for school supplies, and getting myself out of bed in the morning to attend class. You also have to think more about your needs rather than your wants. Finding a way to afford school with out coming out with too much debt is also a major concern. Everything is up to you now, with how you want your schedule to be and how your going to plan around eating, sleeping, studying, and working all at the same time. College is valuable to attend because of the expierences. First of all you are on your own except if you are planning to commute, there are also many things that you have to juggle in a day, and then you also meet some people along the way leaving lasting friendships. College is a time to grow up, change your mind, and then figure out what you really want in life.
I’ve gotten so much out of my college experience that it’s difficult to know where I should begin. I believe the most important thing I have gotten however, is the added experience of understanding of the different cultures and beliefs that others have. My favorite classes have been those that the Professor allowed for us to have open discussions that at times, would result in somewhat heated arguments. It’s beautiful to see people stand so strong for what they believe. It’s been so valuable for me to attend, because it inspires me to do stand strong, as well as to continue having respect for others’ beliefs and opinions about a subject.
I have learned how to interact and work together with individuals that are different from me. It has been essential in growing as a student, future businesswoman, and human being. Where I was uncomfortable and unsure of individuals of other cultures, I am now more culturally aware and accepting. I welcome new ideas and new information. I understand and value the differences of those who have had experiences that vary from my own as that is what makes schools, as well as companies, successful. If I had not attended college, I would have not been exposed to as many students, professors, and guests who have taught me about other cultures. Similarly, I would not have learned why the differences in diverse classrooms, companies, and countries are necessary in working together to better the human race.
Through my freshman year I met a lot of different people and went through many different experiences. I loved all of my classes and learned so much, not only in but out of the classroom as well. All of these experiences help me become a better person and allow me to open up my mind to different things and people. I have learned different ways of looking at things, which will help me in the future. Living on my own, with different people is an experience in itself. Everything about college is valuable to me because every experience is a learning experience. In the end, having gone through these things will only make me a more valuable person.
So far in college I have learned about time management. Time management is very critical especially being on time for classes. Attendence is very important at Lebanon Valley College and it affects ones grade if too many classes are missed. Responsibility is another key factor in the college experience. Being on your own for the first time is scary but you can not get crazy and party all the time. Grades and classes are what is going to help you strive towards a particular goal. While in college I learned how to be responsible for myself and not get involved with someone who will try to crush my dreams. It has been very valuable to attend college because it has taught me a lot of life skills, such as being on my own, doing my own laundry and anything else that is required to live on your own. The biggest value would be learning the new material without having the teacher spoon feed the information to the student like in high school.
Be prepared to study and read in college much more than you did in high school. When you get into college, the professors still notice the little things that high shool teachers do and they will notice if your grades slip or if you miss homework. Be ready to motivate yourself. Don't procrastinate as much as you did in high school. Learn to study while there are distractions around..