Lebanon Valley College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Lebanon Valley College know before they start?


In smaller colleges all of your teachers know your name, you are not just a number. This helps if you ever have problems with assignments or understanding a concept because teachers are more willing to help.


It is really important to find a school that fits you. Don't choose a college based on what your family and friends think, because if you don't like it you won't enjoy your time there. I think the most important criteria to consider are location (distance from home you want to be), the strength of the program you plan on participating in, and cost. I think it is also important to consider the faculty in your decision.. The more commited to your education they are, the more enjoyable your educational experience will be. The most important advice I can give you once you're in college is to meet as many people and participate in as many things as possible. Once you graduate, you will never have the same opportunities again. Join every club you can as it is a great way to meet people and you can always quit later if you decide it isn't for you. Take every opportunity to meet new people and make new friends. Don't judge people on first impressions. You'd be surprised which people could end up being your closest friends.


Find a college that fits you. Do not just look at college names. Make sure that you fit in and like it. It will allow your years to fly by while having a lot of fun.


My advice for future college students would be to look at as many schools as possible. I didn't have a set school that I wanted to attend during my senior year of high school so I went and visited only three. I regret not looking and comparing more schools. In return, I do like my school but somedays I wonder what else could be out there for me and my education. As for the parents and students, don't set your college decision on the price. My school is very pricey but they offer academic scholarships and loans to help pay for school and to help pay back for school. Finally, when choosing a school, make sure you are satisfied with the distance away from home. My suggestion would be to go to a school that is far enough away from home but close enough if you get homesick. Students, while away at college you will truely understand how much your hometown and family mean to you so don't go too far if you are not sure! Most importantly, be yourself and have fun! This is one experience you will never get back!


Don't make your college choice based on a financial situation. Choice the school you will be most content living one for the time it takes you to get your degree. If you are unhappy with your school choice, you will never do well.


Prioritize your activities and desires and pick your college based on the activities that matter most to you. For example if your passion is performing in theater (even if your not majoring in it) and the college you are looking at doesn't have a theater program but has great dorms and food and sports programs and class sizes and extra curricular activities DON'T GO THERE. A whole bunch of little good things don't outweigh one major bad thing. For example I've always been a social guy. I like to party, play sports, try new things, and meet as many people as I can. I knew that the social life was lame here but I came because I could play a college sport, participate in theater, pay an affordable price, and take classes I wanted to. However I'm miserable here. The smaller positive aspects didn't make up for the lack of social life. Now I'm filling out a survey instead of organizing a party or a pick-up game of frisbee. Decide the one or two things that matter most to you and pick your college based on that. Good luck.