Lebanon Valley College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Lebanon Valley College know before they start?


Dear Sarah, The most important piece of advice that I could give you would be to have more confidence in yourself during your senior year of high school. You spend too much time doubting your abilities when you have no reason to. You constantly ask yourself, ?What if I?m not smart enough for college?? and ?Do you really think you?re capable of playing college soccer?? Well, of course you are Sarah . I know from experience that you are the most determined person I know. You will not settle for last place or for a B in that biology class. So simply relax. You will get accepted to college. You will make the women?s soccer team. You will also make plenty of new friends and still manage to keep in touch with the one?s you leave behind at home. There?s nothing you can do about those sad and nervous feelings that you have about leaving home, but know that it gets better. College is going to be awesome Sarah. You will thrive as you take on the new responsibilities, come across the new opportunities, and face the new challenges ahead. Love, Sarah, your new college self


I would advise myself to not worry about college. I would tell myself that the most important thing is to allow myself to open up and be willing to meet more people. I would also tell myself to keep up with scholarship applications, because that would only make my life easier in the long run.


Remember that it's OK to talk to Upperclassmen and Professors, they really are willing to help you. Also, make sure to study everything, even if you think it might not be important, and to attend even the most boring classes.


I dropped out of school in the 10th grade. If I would have stayed in, I would have graduated 1972. I would never have dropped out of high school. In order to join the military, I had to go back to get a G.E.D. After 14 years of the military, I decided that I didn't want the military life anymore. It became hard to find a job, and when you did, it was promised to someone's relative. I decided to go back to school. The main reason I want into the military was for the education benefits. After a while, congress decided to add the VEAP program, which was not what I wanted. I left the military, though the buyout. In order for me to continue my education was to apply though the Voc Rehab program. I'm now paying back $37,569, which ended up being $26, 00 after taxes were taken. I wished I had stayed in high school then. I'm 54 years old, and enjoy going back to college, my major is nursing. I should have been a nurse, back in the 70's. My only regret in life.


Keep your grades up, study hard, and make sure you do what is right for you! Do not make decisions based on what others want of you, you need to think about where you want to go and who you want to be in life. Pursue your dreams and do not ever give up!


Next year, you will be taking the next important step in your journey of life. In preparation for this transition, there are multiple components you can work on perfecting now, as a senior in high school. First of all, be sure to take your education seriously. Paying attention to courses in high school as well as challenging yourself with difficult coursework and excellence in achievement are useful skills which will be helpful in college. Additionally, fill your schedule with a variety of activities. A full schedule will force you to manage your time, one of the most crucial elements of success in college. Once at college, be friendly to your peers. Although you will feel uncomfortable and nervous at first, remember that everyone is in the same position as you are. Have no fear; these feelings will subside in time. Finally be sure to get involved with a variety of activities in college. Beyond providing escape from 24-7 studying, activities also give the opportunity to meet new people. Along with this, getting to know upperclassmen serves as a valuable tool. Since these individuals have already experienced freshman year of college, they are able to provide helpful advice. Good luck!


Relax, learn, enjoy


Be open to new ideas and search for colleges of all types in your college selecion process. Also, once you get to school, be open to new ideas and participate in classes! Be social and talk to anyone that you meet because you never will make friends if you don't talk and speak up.


The best advice I would give to myself (and anyone else) would be to explore all possible options before settling - whether that involves major choice, college choice, or even school type choice. Always make sure you are going to be happy with what you are doing; if you are not happy, you are not doing it right. Always prepare; always expect the worst; always try to enjoy yourself (within reason of course - no partying). Making good friends is paramount to enjoying yourself. Quantity is irrelevant; quality is what matters. Cliff notes - Explore your options. Do what makes you happy. Prepare, work hard, and have fun! Make friends for life!


I would give parents the advice of letting their kids pick the school that is right for them, not the school that is right for the parents. While it is imporatnat to stay within your financial budget, keep in mind the fact that you get what you pay for, and you can't put a price on an outstanding education. Also, don't be afraid to let your kids go and experience things on their own. It is important that they learn about themselves as well as their studies. Visit your kids once in while, but not too often. College is their chance to obtain their own independence and prepare them for the everyday tasks that they may face in the real world. Support your child's decisions! A loving and supporting family can make a difficult transition smooth and easy. Send your kids mail! There is nothing more exciting than opening your mailbox to find a letter or package waiting for you. Students, be yourself and don't be afraid to take chances. You WILL make friends and you WILL find your niche! Most importantly, live, learn, and love who you are!