What is unique about this school is the intense school spirit and connection with alumni. A lot of schools have school spirit, but the students are so proud to attend Lehigh and it shows, not just during Spirit Week but every day of the school year and even off campus as well.
As an engineer, I know what's unique about the engineering program. We have a class completely structured around designing and manufacturing a matchbox car for a middle school kid. It's a good course because it not only brings you through every stage of production, but it also helps to represent a real work situation by causing you to work with a "client", the middle schooler. Also, we constatly have equptment on loan from companies like Ford and GM, and they allow us to use them for our own projects while in exchange working on specific programs for them.
The school is run by greek life. If the greek's get behind something then it tends to go through. The problem is they rarely do more than they have to. the school is slowly forcing them to do more for the school and community.
Lehigh is a school that offers the best of all worlds. It is academically rigorous, yet there is also opportunity to have "down time" as well. The environment of the campus offers the small town feeling, yet there are nearby large cities to visit without too much difficulty. It challenges the students to be their personal best, but the professors are readily available to assist a student when they need the extra help.
Absolutely beautiful campus and buildings. Outstanding history and heritage, the students really feel like they're a part of something. A very "bonded" student population, all of whom were extremely proud of their school. At other schools, students didn't have nearly the same connection with the University or student body. Lehigh University just felt right, and if I had to do it over 100 times, I would go back there every time without even thinking twice about it. I'm actually depressed I graduated, I miss it very much. Out of all my friends, I liked my school most.
Sam recalls the best decision and biggest mistake of his freshman year.
Andrew recalls the best decision and biggest mistake of his freshman year.
Claire recalls the best decision and biggest mistake of her freshman year.
Michelle recalls the best decision and biggest mistake of her freshman year.
Scott recalls the best decision and biggest mistake of his freshman year.