Lehigh University Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Lehigh University!


College is what you make of it, wherever you go. Get involved, meet new people (even if its awkward at first), let down your guard, and always try new things.


i love lehigh. if you can inbrase the school you will love it, if not you may hate it


Basically, Lehigh has faults. But these are far outweighed by the absolutely incredible people I've met there, the cool stuff I'm learning in and outside of class, the opportunities I have access to, the South Bethlehem Community, the beautiful!!!! campus, and all the other sweet stuff I'm forgetting to mention. I feel like I'm getting the quintessential college experience, but better. I feel bad for my friends at other schools who say college is boring or full of drama, or something like that because I don't feel that way at all! I think that Lehigh is awesome and I have alot of pride in my school. I just want to talk to people about it because I love it so much and want them to have a college experience as great as mine!


I have had very different experiences as I have grown from being a Freshmen. I have thought about transferring, but the people that I have met and the academic push have kept me from it. Now, I am moving into a house next semester and I know pretty much everyone on the street and I think it will be really fun and valuable. I am actually excited to go back, which I didn't really think was going to happen, judging by my home sickness back in freshmen year.




Lehigh is the most amazing place on the face of the Earth.


Lehigh is the best..


Lehigh is AMAZING


Basically at lehigh we work hard and we play hard. The students are smart and are capable of doing work, and at the same time they love to hang out and drink. Overall Lehigh is a great place to spend the best 4 years of your life. Definitely go Greek.


Lafayette Sucks! Go Engineers.