Lehigh University Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Lehigh University accurate?


Yeah for the most part sadly they are


somewhat. There are lots of guido type people. Doesnt mean they aren't cool. Most of the frats have lots of guidos. The frat system is dying fast, I wouldnt consider lehigh a greek school anymore.


sort of.


hahah i'd say for about 40{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the kids here yeah


With most people (in greek life, mainly), but its easy to find a group of friends that fit you...i promise.


Not everyone's from jersey, but greek life is big (as it should be because its incredible). Overall Lehigh students live by the phrase "Work Hard, Play Hard". We're all smart kids which is why we are here, but we love to party.


Only a few of the students are preppy. Girls are mostly butterfaces. Most kids are alcoholics. And most of the kids are rich.


These stereotypes are grounded on popular perception, but it isn't at extreme as some like to think. The male:female ratio is about 3:2, but being that this used to be an all-male campus that's not bad. The diversity though, this is about an 80{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} white campus, but Lehigh is taking step to try and promote more diversity. Also, people soon realize that college isn't all that much partying/drinking, so it's not just a stereotype Lehigh has, but one about college in general.


To a degree. There is a lack of diversity on campus, the greek system is played up to be bigger than it is, and there are a number of students who don't drink and party all the time. However, there is a lack of school spirit especially on the sports field in my opinion.


Most people are from the upper-middle class and Lehigh's tuition is expensive... we're at $47,320 for one undergraduate year. But Lehigh also has the 12th largest endowment in the country and there are plenty of students who receive financial aid and also get scholarships and grants. Most people here are white, the school is trying harder to get people of different backgrounds to attend. A large portion of the school is from New Jersey... this makes sense... considering we're only 30 minutes from the NJ border. But there are also international students and students from almost all 50 states (with the exception of three or four). About 40 - 45{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the school is Greek, however the Greek houses are very present on campus. Most people are surprised to hear that less than half of the school is Greek.