Lehigh University Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Lehigh University accurate?


While the average income per family of Lehigh students is well above the national average, Lehigh's student body is extremely diversified. Extremely intelligent people from all over the globe attend Lehigh for the innumerable qualities that the university has to offer.


I find that there is a good amount of partying but not too much at all. It is a school that loves to have fun but also gets the work done before hand. Students balance school and fun well and the students are all mostly east coast wealthy kids but they are extremely nice not snobby at all.


not really. there's drinking, but there are ways to avoid it and it's not necessary. There is little racial discrimination, or it doesn't affect your experience nearly as much as your personality does. Lehigh/Laff is a big rivaly.


Most of the students do dress well, and greek life is pretty big but overall students get along with one another.


most of them are but not to the extreme that people think




There is a large portion of the school that does go drinking, in moderation, every weekend. There are some that go and get completely smashed. My friends and I lived in CHOICE housing, freshman sub-free, and found plenty to do sober, including taking bets on how far the drunkards would get. There are rich kids but I've yet to meet anyone stuck up about their social class. Some kids are stuck up about being so smart but don't realize they aren't surrounded by dummies anymore.


Absolutely 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} accurate. There is one typical male and female at the Lehigh, and it is very difficult to find anyone outside the norm




Yes, the streotypes are true. Of course you can find all sorts of people, but the majority of teh school is rich white kids who party and study hard.