Lewis & Clark College Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Lewis & Clark College?


That we all have dreadlocks, and wear Birkenstocks, and smoke heavy weed and cigerettes! But that we are also extremely smart and diverse, and have a strong emphasis on the environment and political affairs. Current events are present everywhere, when you look for them, as are just about all extracurricular interest related crowds. Its intellectual conversation everywhere!


Hippie town, USA


A student body that is overly PC, smelly, hippie.


The big stereotype my friends & I hear is that LC is the standard hippy/pot-head liberal arts college, off in its own little bubble, occupied by a small population of well-to-do students, whose parents have way too much money. There is also a stereotype that LC academics is not very rigorous. And of course, everyone is ultra-liberal/ultra left-wing.


White elitist liberal hypocrites who talk a lot about activism, but mostly sit around their dorm rooms smoking pot. Constantly complaining about the administration. Desperately trying to prove that they are more liberal than someone else. Despises Christianity, but other religions are ok. Cares about environment, human rights, politics, and international issues.


Lewis and CLark is dedicated to helping students. They view academics as the highest priority.


Hippies who smoke pot a lot, enjoy Barack Obama and gay rights protests.


Smelly high hippies. Lots of people don't shower. Everyone is either high or drunk.


everyone smokes pot, we're all hippies


Hippies and a college full of potheads