Lewis & Clark College Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Lewis & Clark College?


Some of the stereotypes of Lewis and Clark are that the students are liberal hippies who are intelligent, but who don't shower.


That everyone here is a hippie and smokes a lot of pot.


Hippy-Rich-Stoners-academic-Liberal artsy-internationally diverse-chill


That everyone is a hippie who doesn't shower and smokes pot all the time.


The biggest stereotypes about Lewis and Clark students are associated with the belief that the entirety of the student body is "hippies". From there, it is assumed that most people smoke marijuana, that students are slackers, and that they are full of dead-ended idealistic, liberal ideas.


Supposedly we are all hippies. With iPods.


Everyone is a pothead. We're just a bunch of hippies. We are just a bunch of atheists.


They are all smart, and either pot-head hippies, bay area hipsters, or total west coast granola living in a tiny isolated bubble.


They're rich, preppy, lots of wannabe hippies. A lot of people consider it the preppier, less-intellectual version of Reed College, as if all LC kids wished they could go to read.


That they are rich, white, snobby, and liberal? Also that they are smelly hippies I guess.