Lindsey Wilson College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Lindsey Wilson College know before they start?


If I had the chance to go back in time when I was a high school senior I would give myself some much needed advice on what to expect from college life. Being as I tend to worry a lot, I would emphasize the importance on time management and organization skills. If I had known these useful tips before entering college I would have had a less stressful first semester of college. Also, I would have warned myself that studying is key in surviving college classes. College classes are sometimes unpredictable and tend to throw anything at you at the blink of an eye. Studying and being prepared for class is one of the most essential tips for any college student. Last of all I would tell myself to have fun and live life to its fullest with absolutely no regrets. Not only is that a characteristic we should all possess in being happy but with everything we may encounter in life.


Give it your all. Enjoy the time you have at this point in life, but dont take it lightly. Give your best effort in every class, every day. Never be satisfied with the status quo; continue to reach for higher goals to secure greater accomplishments in the future. Dont look towards the weekend or the next break, but looks towards the next day and make sure you use it well. Numbers and letters on a progress report are meaningless unless you have developed both in intellect and personality. Most of all, never let anyone or anything come between you and happiness.


To students I would say to not stress about the decision. It will fall into place as long as you keep looking and feeling out what is right for you. And to make the most of the college experience, GET INVOLVED. Whether it is sports, clubs, intramurals, just do it! It is a great way to meet people and gives you something to work for on campus.


Just go out and meet people and get involved, or you will miss out on so much that is the college experiance. Parents, you have to trust your kids, at some point they will have to leave, and letting college to be that time is a good thing, it lets them gorw and discover who they really are.


Finding the right college can be very hard. Trust me. I had three colleges in mind, but it was very hard to choose. For me, what got me into Lindsey Wilson College was a baseball scholarship. Everyone is different, so my advice would be to follow your heart. Only you (as a student) can choose what is right for you.


Find a college where you feel the most at home, then right off the bat find a good group a friends. Sourrounding your self with the right people will do wonders for your college experience. Look at the degrees offered and go for something that you feel youwill enjoy, not just a money making job.