If i could go back and tell myself, as a senior, what i know now, as a freshman in college, i would say to mainly stay focused. Although it didnt seem like i was going to use any of the free education i was receiving from high school, i did! I would also tell myself that studying, staying focused and taking high school more seriously would all be worth it, even if at times it seemed unneccessary. I would even say taking classes that I didnt "need" to graduate, for example trig and PSEO english, but knew would help me out in college, would all be worth the extra stress. I was a typical high school student who just wanted to get out of there and graduate, but now that i look back i realize i should have taken it more seriously and tried alot harder. You know what they say, you live and learn!
I would tell myself to stop being so boy crazy and just focus on my acedemics.
Going back in time, I would tell myself to attend the school that would offer me the most amount of money to go to school, not to worry about my social life as much as applying for scholarships, to take a few minutes out of my day to apply for two to three scholarships a week. I would also advise myself not to spend as much money and only to spend it if I need to, for instance gasoline for my car or my cell phone bill, because I can use what I have saved towards my college education. If I went back in time I would also advise myself not calling off of work for hanging out for a couple of hours with friends so that I can earn more money towards my education to make it easier on myself. However, I would also tell myself to enjoy my senior year as much as possible because it flys out the window just as fast as it began.
Working through college at the same time as highschool is one piece of advice I have for myself. After being homeschooled for my whole school career, I didn't get the real effect of a classroom learning. One thing I should have done was transfer into a highschool my freshman year, and then attend college as a PSEO student my Jr. and Senior years. Making the transition straight from homeschooling into college courses has been quite a stretch. When I was doing all homeschool classes I never felt like I was being pushed academically, but seeing the amount of work in college compared to highschool work is a large difference. Going to highschool for a few years before I started college classes would have helped me in the class room setting, but after my first semester of college, during highschool, I have passed all my classes. The feeling of achieving college classes while in highschool is very fullfilling. That is the main advice I would have given myself a few years ago.
I would tell myself that it is an entirely different stage of life, and to be honest, it is a far better stage of life. You are with people who are going where you are going and it is more likely you will meet people with similar interests. I truly believe the friendships I've developed in college are stronger than any of the friendships I've had before and surrounding myself with people who are headed in the same direction as I am helps me stay focused on my future and my success. It also makes me feel my relationships have more meaning behind them. In a sense, I feel I found myself during these last two years in college. I've learned so much in and out of the classroom and I became a more level headed, stronger, individual and my family and I are benefiting from it one hundred percent. It would truly be a shame for anyone to miss out on such a wonderful experience. Take it seriously, work hard, but don't forget to enjoy yourself because this opportunity only comes once and time doesn't stop for anyone.
In college there are a lot of papers to write. I would suggest making sure you pay close attention in english class. Learning both the apa and mla paper formats are very important when it comes to writing research papers. Also, work on your study skills, being able to study well can definitely help you in your college courses since the tests are much harder. Study groups and flashcards are very helpful.