Loras College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Loras College know before they start?


First of all, be open to many possibilities because you never know what school might surprise you as being the one. Personally, I had never heard of my school until right before I applied and I love it. Second, and most importantly, when you get to school meet as many people as you can. Get out there and do not be shy because everybody is looking for new friends and you do not want to miss out on that opportunity. Also, get involved with something right away such as a sport, club, sorority, etc. It probably will be a lot of work at first but it will teach you time management, help you to meet more people, and most likely open many doors for your future. Lastly, do what you want to do. You are going to have peer pressure to do something you do not want to do, pressure to pick a major, pressure to get a job and much more. I am telling you that there will always be other friends, time to choose a major and money to earn. Don't put added stress on yourself. Remember, take your time and do what makes you happy!


sit in on a class talk to the professors


You may think you know what you want, but chances are you don't. So find a place that makes you feel comfortable with making mistakes, exploring, and changing your mind. Get involved and take an active role in your college search, and you will end up making the right decision.


dont go to loras for teaching but all others are good....small class sizes are good


When trying to decide where to attend school, it's very important to keep an open mind. Visit as many schools as you can. Do overnights with students that attend those schools and live a day in their life. Once you've done that you can narrow the choices to your top three schools to apply to. Living on campus for your freshman year is very important. Don't room with someone you went to highschool with. Have a random roomie. Participate in everything that you can fit into your schedule. Extra-curriculars will make college more fun and look good when you graduate. Do something you've never done before like take a dance class or be a part of student senate. And lastly, find a study group. Sharing notes and reading outloud with you peers will help your grades a lot, and studying is always more fun when you're with a group of people.