I would tell them to weigh ALL options. And, when they had weighed all of their options I would tell them to make the best decision for them. When making the transtition, I would tell them to visit their school beforehand and become familiar with the campus. I would let them know that they should get to know upperclassmen and also get involved in different organizations. They should get involved in study groups and also get to know all of their professors. All resources should be utilized so that their experience will be the best possible!
Advice that I would give high school me about college life would be to have focused more on filling out scholarships and listen to the advice people gave about how expensive school is. Now that I am in school a lot of time goes to studying so filling out scholarships and writing essays are very hard to find time for. The fact that I am not filling out very many scholarships is really putting a lot of strain and pressure on my parents and myself. Listening to my friends who were already in college and their parents would have definitely changed mine and my parent?s current financial struggles. The stress of dealing with very low funds takes a major toll on college life. I am trying to turn my situation around but if I could go back and time and talk some sense into my head I would most definitely tell myself to listen to their advice.
First and foremost, realize that college is not code for dating/mating ground. Yeah sure there are a lot of HOT guys, but what's worth more -- getting out of college and getting on with your life, or sticking around a couple more semesters catching up on classes you should have paid attention to when you were there the FIRST time.
Second, partying should be a reward, not considered course credit. Trust me, there's a time and place for everything, and the time is NOT every single Thirsty Thursday. Those Thursdays are STILL there once breaks come around and when you graduate. And when you do decide to party, remember that REMEMBERING is an awesome thing. You don't realize how stupid you look until someone else tells you about it, and believe it or not, all those future employers really DO look at the photos you have on that Facebook page. Don't drink your way into oblivion; the memories aren't coming back later.
Third and lastly, when all those deadlines are staring you in the face and you think you won't make it, stop....put everything away... and just BREATHE. You WILL make it.
If i were to go back I probably would change several decisions I made in the college process. I actually probably wouldve gone to a different college than the one i am currently at. I wouldve applied for more scholarships and tried harder in my senior classes. I also wouldve applied to more colleges.
The advice I would give myself would be to plan ahead and don't let your social life overcome your studies. The most important thing you need to do is research your possibilities for internships, jobs, scholarships and classes. If you have a chosen major research jobs you may be interested in and make plans . This includes researching the job market and if those jobs will be needed in the future. It is crucial to work ahead of time and don't wait until the last minute to do something because you will run out of time and the finished product won't be your best work. That includes researching scholarships as well. Don't wait until the last minute because you may not make the deadline and every penny helps. One more thing, don't let a relationship get in the way of your studies because you will regret it. And make sure you establish your own group of friends along with becoming friends with the same people your boyfriend hangs out with because if you break up it creates a difficult situation. And be careful, you are smart and beautiful so watch your back.
If I could go back in time, I would have definitely developed better study habits. The workload in college is larger in size, and more indpendent than high school. Also, I would have liked to develop better social skills, so I would be able to interact wiith others better.
The best advice I could give myself if I was a high school senior would be that going into freshman year of college there are three activities that will benefit you the most. The first is to get organized and stay organized. The second is to use the resources you have available at your school as soon as possible, i.e. your advisor. I would recommend going to see your academic advisor during your first month of school for scheduling and studying tips for future semesters. I also recommend going to your Academic Center of Success, this center is specifically designed to help students learn how to study the most effective way possible based on the type of learner the student is. This center also helps students create resumes and look for internships and jobs. The third activity I recommend to incoming freshmen is to always visit your professors during their office hours at the beginning of the semester. Getting to know your professors and allowing them to get to know you continues to benefit me every semester of my college career, I only wish I'd started sooner.
After completing my first semester of college, I would have benifitting from understanding one important concept as a high school senior. In preparing for and handling college, I now realize that I focused on external factors and influences. My decision on which college was based upon my family's finances, my scholarship allotments, and the academic programs. While such determinants are important, I choose Louisiana State University without ever truly considering my opinions of the school on a personal level. Once I arrived on campus, my mistake of underemphasizing my goals and values only worsened. Throughout the first semester, I lost myself in the sense that I became dictated by what others did around me. Looking back at myself a year ago, I wish I grasped the importance of myself throughout the college experience. My advice would be to hold on to the goal of forming who I want to be. Never let one's surroundings dictate decisions. In short, I would impress upon myself the determination I now have to focus on achieving my goals and becoming the person that I want to be.
I would tell myself to not be afraid of change. If you never give yourself an opportunity to try something new, you will never know the amazing person you are. Some things may seem like sacrifices you have to give up for school, but you will truely appreciate the end result. Money isn't everything. Don't skip college courses in order to make a few dollars; college kids are supposed to be broke! It is the beauty of experiencing all different types of lifestyles! You cannot live a life without some type of risk.
Dear Rachael,
I understand how excited you are about starting a new adventure, but I have some cautionary words of wisdom. These next four years fly by faster then you can imagine, so make sure you savor the experience. Take your freshman year slowly. It?s extremely easy to get swallowed up in the countless responsibilities you acquire in such a short time. Warm up your first year, don?t take too many classes, and allow yourself to have a little fun. A successful freshman year will give you the proper tools needed to succeed throughout your entire college career. However, if you start off to fast you?ll be at risk of losing your bearings, which could jeopardize both your academic and social life. Instead of trying to make up for lost time during your sophomore year, it?s easier to stay focused on just a few things in the beginning. I?m confident that after a little practice you?ll become a successful scholar.
Good luck from your future self,