Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College know before they start?


The biggest problem that I see with people about to go to college and even some people who are already in college is that they worry that they picked the wrong school. They think that if they'd gone somewhere else they'd be having a better time, learn more, or have already accomplished some incredible feat, and that by going to the wrong college, they have ruined their lives. What these people fail to realize is that it is not the college that makes that person's identity, but the person's experience and personal choices that makes the person who he is. College isn't some academic soul mate, where there is only one choice, one outcome, and one chance to do both perfectly. College, simply, is a place that the student chooses as his environment of growth, education, and residence. It is the student who makes his college experience great or not so great by his choices, his outlook, his hard work, and his own unique talents. College does not make your life what it is; you, as a student, are the designer of your own present and future.


My advice to parents would be to give their children the freedom to distinguish the needs and wants that they want to be achieved by the school of their choice. Of course it is perfectly fine for parents to voice their opinions; however, their opinions should only be opinions and not demands. Because those who are happy tend to strive better than those who are not, parents should not force their children's decisions if it conflicts with the child's happiness. The parents' opinions are solely to influence the final decision of the student. As a student determines what college that he or she desires to attend, he or she is displaying his or her first major role in adulthood by making a responsible decision. Even though one might discover that his or her decision is not the best decision, parents should allow their children to correct the mistake instead of criticizing them for making the mistake. Life is a journey and not a destination, and the journey progresses through learning. Learning to independently distinguish which paths to take and avoid during college smooth the course of the road that students will travel as they journey farther into adulthood.


Look for a school that you can feel comfortable at. Talk to some of the professors if you can to see how they approach their subject matter. If you cannot do that, then try to talk to some other students that go there. You want to try to go to a school that has professors and students that have a real passion for their subject. You will learn more and have much more fun. It is also a lot more fun if you get involved in a campus organization. I was a part of the marching band and joined a fraternity on campus. The band acted as a family and over 300 instant friends and a great family. My fraternity has acted as great brothers and a wonderful support structure anytime that I have needed it. It is important to do the schoolwork and study but it is just as important to have fun around that. The balance between those is difficult to find, but it will make your time at college much better.


Being able to find the college that best suits you can sometimes be the toughest endevor in a young person's life. The decision will not only affect what he/she does after college, but his/her four years in college will shape how he/she turns out as a grown person. The options and doors opened to the students are far and wide, whether they realize it or not. Student organizations, clubs, teams, social groups, and many other things can make a lasting impact in a young person's life. That is why I believe one should best choose the college that they feel closely aligns with their personality. If you are a quiet, shy person who values their free time, a small college might be the way to go. If you are loud and love to party, a big college is your answer. I think that by picking a college that best suits you, the acedimics will follow not only because you are happy where you are and with the decision you have made, but because you have not overwhelmed yourself your put yourself in a position of uncertantiy. LSU was the best decision I made. No regrets.


To students: It is important to visit as many schools as possible; then, find the school that feels the most comfortable overall. Don't worry about leaving friends because there will always be new people to meet and befriend. To Parents: Support your child in the school of their choice even if it seems unrealistic. Help them search for scholarships and grants for your child to attend their dream school. Who knows they might actually get enough money.


If you're looking for the right school, you'll know it once you're there. Go visit everywhere you apply! Make sure you go on a weekday when class is being held so you can get a real feel for the campus environment. That way, you can see what the school will really look like everyday when you're going there for the next 4 years. You can talk to the deparment heads if you know what programs you're interested in and see if the school offers classes in your major that sound interesting to you. I visited alot of schools and even the one I picked I had been to many times before on the weekends or for events, etc. The day i did an official campus visit at my school while classes were being held, I was sold. Don't pick a school based on where your friends are going. People change alot in college, and you want to be open to new experiences and new friends and getting a great education at the same time. Just relax and choose the school that just feels like it "fits." You'll definitely know.


In order to find the right college, you have to decide what you want to experience during your college years. There is more to college than just academics (although it is the most important). You want to pick a college that will allow you to discover and express yourself as an individual. For me, I chose the college that I grew up loving and knew the most about. If you are already very social, a big college will be a great experience for you. If you are a little shy, smaller colleges are the best bet in my opion because they offer smaller classes and the students tend to be closer to one another. Parents have to let their kids go and make sure they live on or near campus during college. I lived at a dorm my freshman year and it allowed me to grow as a person who takes personal responsibilty for my actions while allowing me to discover the person I was, and the person I want to become. Also, living on campus allows you to use the university's resources to their fullest extent enabling an easier transition from high school to college life.


Everyone says that your college years are the best time of your life, and they are right! My best advice for choosing the right school for you is to make sure it is your school and your choice. Its not your parents or your friends and especially not your boyfriend or girlfriend decision. It is YOURS! You are the one who will be spending the next four or more years of your life here not them!


The best peice of advice I can give is to pick a college where you will be most comfortable. I grew up on LSU football and have always known that I would go to LSU. Most of my friends went as well, but I made a lot of new friends. Even though the expression "time flies" is overused, there is really no other words to describe college. It went by so fast and I just encourage others to enjoy every minute of it. Cherish your memories because before you know it, you have graduated, and the memories are all you have!


Be sure to visit the campus before attenging. Also, if you know what your planned major is, be sure to visit that department and visit with students who are currently in that field of study as well as faculty. Also meeting with a advisor who will help you set and work towards your academic schedule to make your educational and career goals possible. And most of all, do not limit your choices in the beggining of your search for the right college for you. I limited myself in the beginning and ended up transferring to the college that I am at today and to say the least I am so much happier where I am today.