Macalester College Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Macalester College?


The only stereotype I can think of is one that all extremely liberal liberal arts colleges share. The students are crazy liberal and obsessed with political correctness.


Everything is international/internationalism based. Everyone has a "thing," a cause, like environmentalism, immigrants issues, Democratic Party... something and that becomes your identity and has major social/academic implications from day one to graduation.


Macalester is overwhelmingly liberal. Also, the Macalester administration spends a lot of time and effort talking about internationalism and global citizenship. Macalester students tend to be kids who did very well in high school without having to do very much work (which of course changes when they get to college...!)


Macalester students have the reputation of being very free minded and deeply involved in political issues. Within this reputation, Macalester students are thought of as being anti-corporate, anti-establishment advocates who can be radical at times. Macalester students are also respected for being at an intense school like Macalester.


That we are ugly, dirty hippies


We are global citizens and we rescue all the homosexuals of the world.


That everyone is completely liberal. We like to play bagpipes. We spend all of our time studying. There are no boys on campus


A lot of people are not familiar with Macalester, but some people probably believe that only wealthy kids can afford to go there. Also, partly because Macalester and various college review boards plays up the fact that there is a large international student population, I think some people perceive the student population to be more diverse than it actually is. Finally, through chanting phrases such as "Drink blood, smoke crack, worship satan, go Mac," at football games, the students have gained a reputation of being radical,atheistic, drug-abusing hippies.


That we are a all super-liberal hippies who smoke pot all the time.


we all smoke pot, are gay, vote democrat, and are ugly.