Macalester College Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Macalester College?


That we care about everything


VERY liberal and kind of strange. There is also a stereotype that Macalester students are really awkward.


Everyone is a PC, Pot-smoking, Frisbee Playing Environmentalist


According to stereotypes, Macalester is full of super-awkward, super-liberal, super-rich nerds who have nothing better to do than protest and fight against the Man.


There are two main stereotypes conferred upon Macalester students: rich white kids with guilty consciences and rich international kids avoiding the reality of whatever developing country they come from. Of course, within these broad stereotypes you have sub-stereotypes--trust fund baby anarchists, upper-classmen transitioning from hippy to hipster, vegetarian lesbians, econ majors long over the debate between profit and know, the out, maybe multi-colored version of the intellectual clique at your high school.


The main stereotype about Macalester students is that we're all liberal activist hippies.


I think the standard stereotype of the students is that we are weird, pot-smoking super liberals. Another stereotype is that we are smart and very involved.


we are all pot-smoking crazy liberal hippies. all we do is study.


That we are all hippies, that we are all nerds (mostly true, that we are all pretty smart, that we are all activists and perhaps anti-American. I think the biggest stereotype is that we are a very socially conscious school.


Granola munchers and bleeding heart liberals. This is true to some extent, but most of the people here are phonies.