Macalester College Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Macalester College?


Macalester is full of a bunch of chill, fun, hippy-ish people who smoke weed all the time and are pretty relaxed. We put more emphasis on experiencing the full spectrum of what college has to offer than on just academics, and are open to new things and people. We are extremely varied and multicultural and in touch with the community.


That we are hippies who don't shave our legs and can only see an argument from the liberal perspective


That Mac students are worldly and open-minded. People tend to think that Mac students are inherently intelligent and intellectual people that readily accept and integrate new ideas.


Macalester students are still viewed the same way they were in the '60's; as long haired, vegan, unwashed, communist hippies.


That macalester students are hippies, druggies and weirdos.


Stereotypes are that most Macalester students are very liberal, nerdy, really into academics, and not into sports at all. Also that they're very politically correct.


We're all a bunch of hippies.


Macalester students are awkward, and love school.


very liberal, hippies, smart, dont party


I think that people may think of Macalester students as ultra-hipster nerds, who are very progressive and are always trying to fight the institution...which is true to an extend. As an college I think people rightly perceive Macalester as a challenging academic environment, but one where professors and students have a great relationship.