Madonna University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Madonna University know before they start?


Dear Christi, This is from you at age 24. I would like to tell you some things that you are wondering about right now and assure you that the path you are taking is the one that you should be on. Continue to socialize with whom you do, and do not worry that certain people do not like you; high school is preparing you for real life, and not everyone is your friend in the real world. Be you, no matter what anyone says about you. Never lose yourself to fit in with others, it is not cool to follow the pack, it is cool to be an individual that can fit into many different social groups. Do not worry so much, I really wish someone would have told us this years ago. We still worry to this day and at times it can take up our whole day. You are a great person, and deserve all the love in the world, do not allow people to walk on you or use you, especially guys. Let go of those that do not make you a priority, no matter the relationship you think you have with them. Christi - Age 24


I have thought about this scenario many times since I have graduated high school and have entered the "real world". I never had a mentor or someone who positively emphasized the importance of a college education to me. Since I graduated High School I immediately entered the work force. I was more concerned with making money and didn't realize that without my college degree, my career opportunities wouldn't be as promising. I went to school on an off for years while working, not realizing that every semester I didn't take was keeping me from what is now my biggest goal; a bachelor's degree. I managed to acquire a lot of financial aid debt and with my minimum-wage jobs, I hardly made enough to pay off the bills I already had, let alone begin paying off my college tuition. If I were able to travel back in time to speak to my former self, I would say " discipline yourself and go to school. Stay there and learn as much as you can. You will eventually find your calling, but you can't learn or succeed if you don't apply yourself".


I would tell myself to apply for more scholarships. Paying for college is very expensive. There are so many different scholarships out there that go unused every year. Overall, as a highschool senior I believe I was very well prepared for college.


Dear Rachel, Your senior year is finally here and college is right around the corner! It has been a journey deciding which school to attend. You wonder how you will transition. Will you make friends? Good grades? First, take a deep breath! Realize you are almost done with high school which seemed overwhelming initially. How did you get through the stress of finals and papers? By taking one day at a time and being faithful. Everyone likes to freak out about how difficult college is when in reality if you just do what your professors ask when they ask, you can avoid much of the stress. Do not allow yourself to get behind! Take advantage of the syllabi given at the beginning of the semester and do not procrastinate. You will do just fine making friends. Remember, you are not the only one going to a new school without already knowing people. Do not be afraid to strike up a conversation with someone before class or sit at different lunch tables to get to know people. Soak in every moment and recognize how blessed you are to be getting this amazing education. Sincerely, Someone who wishes you the best!


I would have taken more science courses such as physics and zoology in preparation for pre-med. These courses would have been easier if I were exposed to them in high school.


Take time to glean the most from each course, instead of rushing through to make a grade. Get the meat of the information, not simply the tidbits. Another key that is profound and yet simplistic, is to carefully read and then follow the instructions for each assignment, one step at a time. Its amazing how many students have points deducted because they missed something by rushing or failing to completely follow the steps. Its an excellent habit that will carry over into other areas of life as the virtue of thoroughness. By consistently practicing this, I now have a 4.0 GPA and I am scheduled to graduate on May 6, 2012.


All freshman must have a planner and follow your professors syllabus if you do that you can't go wrong!!


There are only a few things that I would like to tell myself. First I would tell myself to apply for as many scholarships that I qualify for because all the help to pay for my college education will help out in the end. A couple other things would be not to procrastinate on homework that teachers hand out and to stick to the due date they set, work on better study skills so you are set for college, and manage your time better. Also listen to advice from college students, family, and friends about college and what they did to adjust to college life.


I would tell myself to pursue a different career because the one that I really wanted is going to be hard to obtain. Also, Spending all that time at a community college, I should've been done sooner by attending more often. Another thing would have been to apply to a few colleges not just he ones in particular that I wanted to attend. Further more, I would look for a job to gain experience while going to school as well as start taking some classes while I'm in high school. If I knew this would going to happen I would have probably done something different and would be working on my master's degree or I would have be working now.


Hey Michelle! I have some well learned advice for you. As, I am you thirty three years into your future, my words come from your own experiences. I hope you will heed my words and as you do, so will you change your future. Set goals, goals for each day, short term, and long term, and as you reach a goal, set another one. Appreciate education, be proud of your intelligence and use it along with your determination to be the best you can be. Get your degree and do not stop. Your destiny is to be in the health care field and to give back. You are a strong, kind and giving person. Grow in your abilities and never stop learning. Be open to new thoughts and ideas. Use your gift of writing to help others. Do not try to take the easy road, for that road is short and unfulfilling. Always strive to be your best, not always the best. Follow your dreams for they will lead you down the road to your destiny. Thanks for listening, I hope you truly heard my words.