Madonna University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Madonna University know before they start?


I would tell myself that I need to improve my study habits. In high school I found it very easy to study the minimum and get good grades. However, in college, I find myself studying every single day. It is a completely different change and it would have been nice to be more prepared for this part as I struggle to find myself ways to study the material. Another problem that I had in high school that I am trying to combat is procrastination. During high school, I would wait until the last minute to do homework, write papers, and study for tests. It worked for me in high school, but now I need to buckle down and do everything in advance. Even though I would love to tell my high school self to work harder, the most important thing I would tell myself would be to not worry about what other people thought of me. In college there is not the same pressure to try to fit in and have to try to please others. I wish I could have spent more of my high school years focusing on being myself, like I am in college.


If I could Step through the doors of time to speak to my high school senior self, I would tell myself some useful advice. First would be to come out of her shell and speak to and get to know her college teachers. It’s much easier to ask questions and receive help from people you know. Also, if a teacher knows you, they may be able to better judge how hard you really are working. Next, I would tell myself to keep up the good work and begin thinking about making my own illustrated books from all of my previous ideas. It’s a good idea to start when you have more time and in high school I had a lot more time than now. I would have also told myself to apply for more than just one University so that I would have a better chance at fulfilling my dream. However, truthfully, I do not have very many regrets.


I have become a better person, more spiritually grounded, more secure within myself, beleive in myself and knowing now I can be who I want to be. I feel going to college has uplifted me as a person, it has helped me be a better mother, better person all together. I feel anyone who goes to college it will improve them as a whole, it sets trends and shows a great example to your children, if you are a parent. I didn't feel I could succeed and do so well, but with the people I have met, their like your family and they all are very supportive and loving. Knowing there are others like me out there and meeting many new people, or possibly a new employer with my field of work, has been very benficial. I feel I have been blessed by God in many ways as I have learned to like and love myself and feel very proud of myself today. If I could only give people the same feeling I have inside for all my accomplishments, for my hard work and perserverence, it would be a blessing. God Bless. Colleen Eisele


While in Iraq as a member of the United States Air Force I instructed Iraqi Air Force mechanics of how to maintain their Mi-17 helicopters. I learned something about myself there, I want to be a teacher. I am currently enrolled at Snead State Community College seeking an Associates of Science in Physics as the stepping stone to a Bachelor's Degree in Science Education. I feel my time has made me a better member of my community. I understand more of what the world around me is made of and how it works. The things I have learned have a value without equal. I have learned to fish in the sea of chemistry, mathematics, art and psychology. I see my time in college as the steps toward improving my community as a passionate instructor. I may not cure cancer, or find the theory of everything but I might be the passionate teacher that will inspire the person who does. I am in good standing at my college, have a 4.0 GPA, and on the Snead State President's list.


I have gotten out of college is the networking, to be able to meet so many people that are studying your same major. To meet so many more new friends those are different from high school. It’s such a fun atmosphere when you are in college. It's an experience that I wish everyone had to do and go through. I think that there are so many life lessons that are learn when you attend college, which you would never come across if you did not attend college. Not only for a career and a degree to further you in life for a job, it makes you a stronger person over all.


Don't wait so long to go back to school. Get it done right away so you don't have to take classes to refresh you basic skills.


Enjoy college! We have all wished that we had a crystal ball that could have guided us through life?s major decisions, but if I could travel back through time and meet myself as a high school senior, I would give myself a gentle nudge in the right direction. Going to college has been one of the most positive and rewarding experiences of my life. I have enjoyed meeting people pursuing different degrees, and have really come to see the value of education, through my classes and interacting with students who are trying to become better people through education. Getting involved in clubs on campus, and volunteering to help on community service projects has reinforced not only my personal values, but the need for community education in resolving many of the problems we face individually and corporately. Growing up I always heard teachers, guidance counselors, and of course my parents talk about the necessity of getting a college degree. I wish someone would have told me that college would be so challenging and rewarding. I think that would have been much more valuable and motivating for me, than just insisting that I needed a college degree to pursue my dreams.


If I had the opportunity to go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I know exactly what I would say to myself. I would start out by saying that you must follow your own dreams and goals. Each person has their own path to follow, and don't be too concerned if your going to be at the same College as your friends or not. You will stay in touch with your close friends, while meeting new people as well. College is full of new experiences, and it opens your eyes to new opportunities. New clubs, classes, and friends are all part of your soon to be new experiece--don't be afraid to get involved! It is also much different from high school. You will learn how to manage your time more efficently by choosing your own schedual to go by. Responsibility takes on a larger factor as well. You are now incharge of your own future.


Look at all your options and dont assume you can't do something.


In retrospect, to make a successful transition from high school to college I would follow this plan. During the summer prior to my senior year, I would request permission from the nearest college or university to shadow one of the general education classes, to obtain a real life experience of handling the work loads, expectations and discipline required to function at the college level. I would actually purchase the text and do the assignments, as a means of assessing where I may need to make adjustments regarding the way things were done in high school.