Madonna University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Madonna University know before they start?


i love to go to school , see my friend and have activities in class together . Plan about the future and making it true.


The advice that I would give to my high school senior self is that if I was not sure of what I would like to major in when i, i should have started off in a community college instead of going to a private university. The reason why I would say this is because it would have saved my parents' money and it would save me some time to figure out what i would like to major in instead of switching majors several times and causing myself to not being able to graduate on time.


Find the college that "fits" you. Look around at many schools and apply to all the ones you feel fit your wants, needs, and aspirations. Socialize and meet people attending the same college or university, and especially students that are majoring in the same field. Socialize and get involved with campus activities, and study even harder. Make the most of your college experience; these are good years!


I would tell students to be sure to visit college campus's. You must be able to see yourself at that college. You should spend the day with a student there and see if you really like campus life. The right college for you should offer the acedemic and social experience you are looking for. Only you can decide which college is right for you, not your parents, not your friends, only YOU. Listen to what your heart is telling you. When you finaly do find the right college for you, be sure you make the most of your college experiece by getting involed. By getting involved with campus activities, you will meet new people and make new friends. The experiences you have at college will be ones that you will remember for the rest of your life. Do the things you love. Try doing things you have never experienced before. You may learn something new about yourself.


Go on as many tours of different college campuses as you can. Talk to the students, sit in on some classes. This is the only way to really get a feel for what the student will be experiencing.


I made a mistake by going to a really big college my freshman year which was two hours away from home, when in reality the best school for me was two miles away from home and a much smaller campus. Let your kid discover all of their options and visit as many schools as they can! I wish I would have visited the school closest to home, because I would have went their in the first place. As much as you want to help your kids decide, this is the beginning of the rest of their life. Let them choose!


It is important to look for a college that will meet all of the needs for the person that is going to be attending. I helps to know what you would like to study but if you do not you should look for a college that has programs that you might become be interested in. There is a perfect campus out there for every student so it is important to visit campuses to see what kind will make you feel at home and feel like you can reallt learn something. Having fun with friends is always a great part of college life but you also have to remember that you are going to college to get an education and it costs a lot of money that you do not want to waste. The best piece of advise that I received before going to college was to do want I have to do now so I can do everything I want to do later. I always try to remember that with every decision that I am making while I am in school


I would tell them to follow their instincts and think about your future to help you choose the college that is best for you. To make the most of your college experience you need to feel comfotable where your at and then go from there. Get involved with your school because anything you do will help you with your career. Also, choose somehing that you'll enjoy doing and if your not sure what you want to do, it definately helps to take classes that just sound interesting to you. That's how I chose Psychology. I had no idea what i wanted to do with my life, and now I'm 22 years old about to graduate with my bachelors and i'm proud of myself.


Choose somewhere that you truley will enjoy no matter how much it cost. I would reccomend choosing a community college first, if you don't know what type of school you want to attending. Make the most of your college experince, you'll be a grown up before you know it. Have fun and live young!


To students: attend the institution where YOU feel is right. Don't let others make the decision for you.