Marshall University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Marshall University know before they start?


I would suggest that students choose a school that will provide them with the best academic and social atmosphere for their intended major. I feel that students should choose a school in an area that they think they would enjoy. Students should not be afraid of traveling to an area that seems interesting to them After finding the right school, students should always put their studies first. Interaction with professors and other students is a must! I would suggest getting involved in as many activities as possible. One of the most important lessons that students should learn while in college is how to communicate well with others. Overall, I feel that students should make the most of their time while in college and always strive for their dreams.


I would tell the parents to let the students choose the college of their choice because college is where one embarks on a new part of life. It is very different from high school and I think a college student gets in touch more with his or herself. College students find out more about what they like and want in life while they are attending college. So again, I advise the parents to let the students go on their adventure themselves and be there for support. For the students, choose a college that interests you the most. Choose one where your degree is offered and one where you can take part of activities that take place on campus and even off campus. Definitely, be sure to have a social life along with a working life if you have a job and make sure that your job and classes work around each other successfully. Don't be affraid to try new activities and have fun along with meeting new people!


The best advice that I can give is to try to make your child understand that a college in a city can be a dangerous thing. I spent alot of money to go to NYU my first three years of college and got subpar grades and nothing to show for it. Now I am making 4.0's and going to a much less expensive college in a more rural area. I had my mind made up that I wanted to go to New York and there was nothing that could talk me out of it. The location that a school is in can play an important role in the choices that the student will make. Cities have huge distractions and if your child is prone to such things, a more rural or suburban college may be the better choice. Most important thing to remember is that college is a place to learn, not play. Thankfully, I have learned that lesson now.


I think that it is important to research all of your possibilities. Once the choice has been made, students and parents should find housing, be it on or off-campus. I would recommend going to the school town a couple weeks before school is actually in session to get familiar with the town. Find the local hospital, grocery store, mall, etc. Families of other freshman will also be in town. Students will have a chance to meet other students and possibly find a in-town buddy. This is vital in any case of emergency so the new student can be looked after, even if their parents are away.


GO out there, have fun but still take your studies into consideration, you are getting an education not a mrs degree!


I would advise students to live on campus and go to college right out of high school not wait till they are older. Become a part of the college life and join clubs that they are interested in. Make the most of the academics that are available and don't party your college years away.


I attended several open houses at different colleges. This was the best way for me to see where I fit in. When I came to the open house at Marshall University, I immediately felt like I was home. I believe the best college for you will feel right as soon as you step foot on the sidewalk. As for making the most out of my college experience, I work hard towards my major, but I also allow time for fun. I go to plays, football games, parties, and group organizations. College is for learning, but not just learning a trade. It's about learning how to live your own life; try new things. Whether it be attending your first lacrosse game or changing your major a couple times, new things always bring good. You might not like the new, but you will appreciate the old even more. Choosing a college is a big decision, but when it's right, it's right.


The best thing to do when choosing a college is to visit. I had several options available to me, but once I visited Marshall, it was clearly the best fit. I chose to attend Marshall my Junior year of highschool after much deliberation. My entire family, grandparents and all, went on a total of three orientations. It was so nice to have several opinoins (where each person remembered different aspects). I believe that choosing the right school is the key to having a positive college experience.


The best advice I could give would be to follow your heart to where you think you would be able to fulfill the dreams of your future. Some colleges have different requirements for the same degree so make sure that you check into the programs that you're interested in and see what the requirements are. If you want to live in the dorms, don't hesitate. That's where most friends are made. Don't choose a school because that's where your friends are going because most of the time you don't see them unless you're on a break from class anyway. Also, don't be afraid to speak up and make friends because they will be there for you no matter what.


I believe that a person has to do what is right for them. Some people may be looking for a school with a really active student government and others may be more focused on sports. Whatever it may be make sure you ask questions. They may seem stupid at the time but once you have decided on a school its semi-permanent. My college and my professors are like my family when I am away from home. They deeply care about my well-being and always try to help me in whatever venture I want to tackle. I also think that being an involved student while in college will help an individual to make the most of their college experience. A person is able to meet so many people when involved in extra-curriculars. It just adds character to that person and makes t hem more of a well rounded individual as they enter the real world upon graduating.