Don't just take the first acceptance letter, fish around and see what university best fits you.
when choosing a school dont neccesarily go for the one with the most prestige. unless you plan on pursuing a very involved and difficult major there are plenty of smaller schools that may be able to provide a more enjoyable and stress free experience. there will always be stress on students to perform but at some schools it may be easier to deal with this stress. it is also important to choose an area that you feel comfortable in. one should not attend a school in the rocky mountains if they hate the cold weather just because there is a prestigious school in the area. on the other hand a bigger more recognized school may be for you it comes down to choosing a scenario in which you see yourself being comfortable and able to perform. once you choose a school you must remember why you did and make the most of your experience. college is good at providing many distractions that can deter you from school work. it is important to speak with your professors regularly and take advantage of every opportunity that the university may provide.
I know it sounds so corny but find a place where your heart is. When signing up for schools and visiting them go where your heart wants to be. College should be an amazing experience and when a student attends a school that doesn't satisfy who they are what kind of experience that person would get out of college? Parents, let your child make the decision...this is the place they will be spending 4 or more years of their life. Your child knows you care but they need to happy where they want to be, not where you have forced them to be. Set back at times and let them play a roll in the decision making process. You might be surprised what they can figure out.
The best advice I can give to a future student and their parents is to spend one day in the life of a student that is doing the same thing you want to do. Ask the department chair or recruiter if you can shadow a freshmen or sophomore student. This is will give you a much better idea of what to expect if you choose to attend that school. Also, ask the department chair if you can talk to some upperclassmen. They have been there awhile and will be honest with you. Make sure you check out the dorms you're most likely to stay in, the cafeteria, and most importantly, the library. That is where you will spend most of your time.
Go to a college that has the degree you are intersted in. One should not settle for the convient school, go out and find the best education you think is avaible.
Choose the college that will best suit your needs. Don't take on more then you can handle. Allow time for college experiences. Go to on campus performances and art shows. If your undecided it's ok. There are plenty of people still trying to find out what they want to do. Take general ed. classes and perhaps something might interst you. Good Luck!!
I would probably say that the best way to choose is to try to talk to people who have attended the college. You deffinitely need to go to orientations and things such as that because they are important in showing different programs and other things provided by the college. But these orientations are always very biased and are designed to lure people in. The best way is to talk to the ones who have actually been there because they will tell you about the things that you don't see on the glorified profector shows they'll show you at orientations. Also check the surrounding area of the school. This is important because that is where you will be living the next four years. And always make sure the college provides the program you need to do what you want in life. If you go through all these things and choose a college that is acceptable, I'd say you will have made the correct choice for you.
Make sure that your child or children actually want to go to school and that once they get here they will actually go to school and not waste your money. I know so many people who have came to college and dropped out of the first semester because they didn't go to class. You have to go to class or your done for. Trust me! Also, there is a lot of work involved in most classes make sure they are ready to buckle down and study and that they know they will get help when needed.
Find out what schools are actually the best and have the most-published faculty. Meet several times with various faculty to determine what programs specifically at certain schools match your goals for theory vs. pratical-based programs and find a good, prestigious balance.
Marshall University is a great college for anyone who desires to become the best they can be. You will need to be goal oriented and study hard to achieve your goals. Apply to as much financial aid as possible; college can become expensive. Choose a college that can meet both your financial aid needs and your desired major. I would also suggest going to a college close to home; you will need all the help you can get from family and friends. You should communicate often with your professors in order to develop into the young scholar they hope for you to become.