Marywood University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Marywood University know before they start?


Make my decision sooner it would make the whole college process much easier and preparing much simpler.


I would tell myself not to be scared. I was so ready but so afraid to leave home. The thought of being on my own was exhilarating and frightening at the same time. I would tell myself not to go home on the weekends as much. To go explore the city and make new friends, to really get involved with the community and not be afraid to make a jump, to take a chance. I would tell myself to do everything, try everything, experience everything.


I would tell myself just how intelligent I was and how much potential I had. I've always been shy and had a low self-esteem, always thinking I wasn't good enough. Even though I was valedictorian in high school, I didn't look into other colleges or majors. My mom wanted me to be a nurse and I applied at the local nursing school, even though I wanted to be a doctor. I would tell myself "You are good enough! In fact, you are the best of the best!" I would encourage myself to look into scholarships (God I wish I could have done it on-line in 1984) and apply to schools like Temple in Philadelphia. I had the grades, the drive, the ambition, but I lacked the confidence in myself. I would tell myself "You will love living away from your parents. You will be free to study and make friends. You will be successful!" I was so shy and depended on my family to support me. I didn't know that I could support myself and not only survive, but to thrive! With age comes wisdom but being young again- what a dream!


Dear Alexis, I know you are so excited to step foot into the real world and to finally be out of high school, but take a moment to appreciate everyone around you. You will not see most of these people again for a long time. Also, take a moment to appreciate the place and teachers who have educated you for the past twelve years. You will eventually miss this high school which you find to be so dreadful and useless. College is going to be the best time of your life, but before deciding what you think you want to do with the rest of your life, listen to not only your heart, but also to your parents. You're going to find out that they are right one hundred percent of the time... (hard to believe, I know). Most importantly, do not be afraid to meet new people. The transition into college is going to be tough, but it is going to change your life. Stay organized and stay focused. Your GPA is what is going to make or break you within the next few years. Be yourself and stay beautiful on the inside and out. Love, Future Alexis


If i could go back in time and give the high school senior me advice, i would start off by saying that maybe i spent too much time getting involved with anything and everything at school and not enough time worrying about my grades and education. I loved to be involved with sports, clubs, theater, you name it. As much as i loved everything i was involved in, i knew that the majority of those things wouldnt help me in college. I would also tell my self that college is nothing like high school and focusing then could have made a world of difference now. That the transition was easy at first but just like life, it gets harder. I would tell my self to really be prepared and start giving it my all before it is too late. All in all, i would tell my self that socially i will be prepared for college, that i learned so many life and leadership skills in high school that i will do just fine, but to be ready to get my butt kicked education wise, becuase i cant use anything i learned at cheer camp in anatomy.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to not be so nervous to start over. The main concern about most students when going into college is whether they will fit in or not. However, I would remind myself that everyone else is in the same position (they don't know everyone either), so do not worry. Everyone that I met thus far in college have been really nice and not as judgmental as a highschool senior may think. Also, I would tell myself to get involved! Getting involved is a nice way to meet other students and make new relationships. And lastly, I would say to be yourself and be the best you can be!


“2,340 days. It has been a long journey from kindergarten to the end of our senior year…” That was how my valedictorian speech started. Standing up there, giving that speech I had little idea what my future held aside from attending Marywood University. If I could go back in time, I would tell that graduating senior to stop worrying. The high school version of me was scared that college would be a big academic transition. Visions of twenty page papers and impossible math problems swirled around in my mind. In reality, college is manageable because, in high school, I had developed the strong work ethic that I would need. Even more than the workload, I was worried about making new friends. Looking back, that was one of the easiest parts of the transition to college. At the summer orientation, I made my first friend. By the end of my freshman year, I had already formed a group of friends that will last a lifetime. I would tell my high school self that college is what you choose to make it. And from what I see, it will be the best four years of your life, so enjoy every moment.


If I had the ability to go back in time as a high school senior I would give myself this advice for college. First start looking for all the scholarship and grants that I could possibly apply for and get busy on making the packets and getting them before the deadlines. Secondly, I would still follow my career path as when I was a senior at my high school I was already a US Army Reserve. Only this time ensure you take the GI Bill regardless of the monthly fee that must be paid. By utilizing the GI Bill I would be able to get out of the Army and have funding for college, unlike now. Thirdly, I would apply myself harder so that I could make the Dean’s list and be in some sort of honors program. Your high school achievements really matter when applying for colleges and scholarships/grants. This shows the organizations and college what potential you have as a student and succeed in your pursuit of a degree in your chosen field. If I had this opportunity to go back in time and give myself advise, these are the things I would tell myself.


Alisha, no matter what your counselors tell you, you ARE eligible for dual-enrollment in classes other than Math and English. Take as many classes in dual enrollment a you can handle, because it will save you a lot of time and money. You will not be able to make much with work study programs so it would be best for you to find an okay job and work part-time. The extra cash will be needed later. Because of your high grades and other academic achievements paired with your charm and friendliness, you will receive many offers to travel the country and the world with different programs at your first college. If you do not find work, lack of funds will cause you to miss out on these opportunities. Our mother will try to convince you that you do not need a job. Do not listen. You are intelligent and capable. You CAN handle part-time work and full-time schooling. Do not allow anyone to hold you back. Make your own decisions and be a thinker! What lesson do I want you to learn from me? College is not a gift. It must be earned. Earn it!


I chose to attend Marywood because i got an offer for a full acedemic scholarship., but halfway through my first semester, i realized that i do not want to stay home and commute to college anymore, and i would rather go away to college, and so i am applying for this scholarship to take with me to westchester, because i didnt apply to anywhere else when marywood offered me that scholarship. so if i was to go back to highschool and give myself advise, i would tell myself to be sure of where i would like to go, and be sure of what i want at the college level. i believe that is the best advice i would be able to give myself.