My advice would be to check out the schools even before you apply. you need to get a feel for the school, that way you know if you are truely interested. A visit to the campus for an open house is the best way to go. Ifyou have friends or family memebers that have attented the school talk to them as well. Also, talk with your parents about where you want to go and how to they feel. your parents advice matters a great deal even if you think it doesnt
Find a college that best suits your personallity and what you like. Along with academics, the campus and surrounding area is key to a students happiness .
To the students... Don't go to a college where your friends from high school are going. Even if you are scared, go somewhere where you want to go, it's a new beginning, and you should make the most of it. You will be a new person and make new friends, and it will truly be the "best years of your life". Be true to yourself, and don't do things you don't want to--even if you think it'll help you fit in better with the crowd.
To the parents... Encourage your children to be the best they want to be, and help them make their college decisions, it means a lot to students. And always be a phone call away no matter how far home is from school.
remeber college is an experience. the knowlege you learn outside the class room will be more valuable to the lessons learned in the class room. just get that degree and graduate.
The advice I would give to students about finding the right college is to be sure to have an open mind. Be sure to check out and actually visit as many colleges that interest you as possible and really take them all in for what they're worth. What's most important is being sure you have that "at home" feeling while you walk across that campus. To make the most of your college experience I would advise you to stay active. Get involved in as many things on campus that you can without being overloaded. You meet a lot of really great people and have the great oppurtunity to stay involved with activities you love. All of that is real important as you are studying and doing school work. You need that outlet of non-academic related activities and friends to keep you going! Good Luck!
Before you choose the college you want your son/daughter or your self would like to go to, research the college. Know the graduation rate, girl to guy ratio, ethnic ratio, tution and the diffrent programs they offer. In addition, visite the campus in advance before choosing the college.
Deciding on which college to go to is a big decision and can be very confusing. Each college is unique and each person has a unique quality that draws them to a certain place. I would say when trying to find the right college, to go with your gut. If a place feels right to you, then chances are that it is. To make the most out of your college experience, do what feels right. Always make time for your schoolwork, but don't forget to have a good time. You only life once, so do your best.
If I could advise parents and students to find the right school I'd start by asking them some simple questions. How soon do they want to be done with college? How much do they want to pay? I would have them compare liberal arts school with specific study schools and even colleges on the internet. I would tell them that sometimes small school the longer your there seem smaller and big schools the longer your there seem bigger, are they ok with that? I'd tell them to keep in mind that the price they pay to go there freshman year might go up the longer they're there. I'd encourage them to go on facebook and look up students that go there and ask them questions becuase the students that give tours and overnights talk the school up and it's hard to leave with a rounded view of the school. I'd tell them to look at the groups people in the school have made up. It's a good way to find out the bad stuff, they may or may not matter to them.
Definitely do the overnight experiences, spend time on campus, and just get a general feel for the place. It doesn't matter what you say you want to do right from the beginning, most people come to realize the direction they want to take in life pretty quickly once they really get into the swing of things. I realized I was in the wrong major within the first two weeks.