Marywood University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Marywood University know before they start?


College has been a very interesting, yet very rewarding experience. I’ve experienced times of elation, sadness, frustration and accomplished. I had no idea what college would be like nor what my future had in store for me when I graduated high school. If I had known, I would have made different choices. I suffered greatly from depression and loneliness after my first couple years and ended up leaving. I felt like I had made my parents paid so much for me to end up with no degree. I felt like a loser. However, I learned through that time that it is not the degree that matters. It is what you learned that matters. If all you get out of college is a piece of paper and a large bill, then there is no reason to go. The reward is the knowledge, the understanding, and the end of an experience that will affect you for the rest of your life. I am happy to be back in school after taking a couple years off to overcome my personal obstacles and to learn that lesson. I look forward to finishing, so I can look back and say “Well done!”


I have gotten a lot out of my college experience. I joined the work force right out of high school. I finally decided I wanted something more out of life so I took a pharmacy technician course. It has been very valuable to attend because it has opened up so many doors to me. Now I want to continue my education to be a pharmacist. I never would have been exposed to that world if I hadn't gone to college in the first place.


I hope to graduate from Marywood University with my Bachelor's degree in Photography and my minor in Graphic Design. I have a few different possibilities in mind as to what I would like use my degree in for. One of the possibilities would be to work for a magazine company or a newspaper shooting photos for their stories. Another possibility which is the one I would like to do the most is to open my own photography studio and shoot portraits of people and possibly commercial work for different companies. I know that after I graduate from Marywood that they will do their best to help me find the best career for me so that I can achieve my goals with my degree.


College has enabled me to open doors in unexpected places. Without the diversity of learning and people I met while in college I would not be the person I am today. Any money spent on education is an investment in your future. I paves the way to new beginnigs. I never regret spending my hard earned money on my and my families education. I know I will get the biggest return from investing in the education of my children and myself.


I gained a teaching degree which means the world to me. I love being a teaching and it is the only things I could ever see myself doing. If I could do it again I would not have picked Marywood but I am glad for the Eduation I got and was able to gain the degree that I so needed to achieve my life goal.


I have been given the chance to learn and to expand my knowledge of the world. It has opened my eyes to further my education so that I may help others. I have learned about the importance of our planet and the people who live here. College has been important in helping me understand what I was ment to do in this life time.


I just started at Marywood University, on June twenty fifth to start a summer program for six weeks. This gave me a chance to stay on campus in a dorm, to experience what it will be like when I offically start school here in the fall. My SAT scores were a little low 1160, therefore in order for me to bring that score up, Marywood offered me an oppurtunity to take and English and Math coourse, so I would be ready for College in the fall. So I am here experiencing College early. It has been hard working, giving up my summer. But such and oppurtunity. I have been working really hard, and the college experience has been great. I realized that this extra studing has been such I great learning experience. First I was upset that I did not score higer on the SAT'S. But I realized the great experience I have had here, has made me understand and realize that sometimes if you want something in life you have to work for it. It has been really hard studing over the summer, but everyone at the school, Teachers and faculty have helped me alot, with college.


I have gotten a lot out of my college experience. I am an Elementary and Special Education major and Marywood has a very good education program. The first semester here they give you a class that introduces you to your field experience. Field experience actually gets you out there into schools to observe before you do student teaching. This is very helpful because you a lot of experience in the major so you definitely know if it?s truly what you want to do for the rest of your life. I can?t speak for the rest of the majors but I know that the program I am in here is truly amazing and teaches many useful things for my future.


If I were to go back in time I would tell myself never to give up. The transition will be hard, no doubt, but never let your gaurd down and don't ever let up. College is a new experience, completely different from anything you have ever experienced. Relationships will be lost, but also new ones will be made, but true friends will be there forever, so no need to worry. Keep your chin up. If something seems hard, don't throw in the towel and slack off, know that the rewards of finishing will be greater than that of giving up. Don't always think that college will be difficult. Take advantage of opportunites, but do so by making solid and smart decisions. And on top of everything...have FUN!


I've enjoyed making the transition from high school teen adolescent to college student and young adult; However, if a time machine presented itself I would absolutely find myself doodling in fourth period algebra class and say "Enjoy this, because college may feature fun, friends and freedom but it requires a lot of focus.. so get ready." Honestly, I wouldn't scare myself by highlighting the college tuition fees, freshmen fifteen and heavy homework load. I would simply pep talk myself with something like this: "Listen up and listen good. You are going to have fun and a lot of it. You're going to meet complete strangers who will turn into best friends. You'll meet some of the coolest professors who are intelligent and down-to-earth, and actually teach you things that you'll remember. But college is no walk in the park. Please, don't freak out at the crazy book prices; you will read them and need them for tests. Take notes and go to class because it's costing a lot of money anyways. And for god sakes, do the extra work, it will pay off. If you learn, life's a breeze. "