If I went back in time, I would tell my self that there is no rush to grow up to quickly. I would make sure that my younger self understood the importance of growing into ones self. I would make sure I knew not be overwhelmend when my four year full time degree became a six year part time plan. I would tell my self that change is not as bad as it is just scary. I would make sure I knew that there are lots of fasits for help and planning (many of which I'm just learing now). Most imporantly I would tell myself to keep following my heart for it has lead me to a happniess and understanding of myself and the world around me that I wouldnt change for the world.
The key advice I would give myself is to stay on target with my short and long term goals. The average co-ed college campus will have thousands of distractions: parties, clubs and organizations, and, most definitely, members of the opposite sex. However, the focus should be on Me: Will getting a tutor help me in this subject? Will working part-time hurt me academically? Will going to this party keep me from doing my homework?
Believe it or not, the last question is the most important to any long term career goal. Keep in mind that college is all about networking. While clubs and games can be a helpful outlet for stress, they also have the secondary benefit of bringing you into contact with individuals who may eventually prove to be friends, future co-workers, and, in some cases, future employers. Therefore, you should always present yourself as you mean to go, whether at the club or in the classroom. You may not think your least favorite professor is paying attention; nevertheless, how you conducted yourself throughout the semester may be the deciding factor in whether you receive a B+ on your final or an A.
I would tell myself to take high school more seriously, keep up the grades and take a couple advanced placement classes so you do not have to pay for them once you get to college. Do not stress out about college it is not insanely hard and you will not fall apart once classes start. Also, do not take a year and go part time, stay focused and go full time or else you will drag on your continuing education. Good luck and have fun.
I would describe my feelings about entering college as a high school senior in one word it would be daunting. Upon my arrival to the past I'd find my formal self becoming panicked when the subject of choosing a career path came into discussion. My younger self, would not only be sweating the small stuff during the whole process with permanent fear in eyes; that would remind you of a frightened animal that had been captured and thrown into a cage, but also, kicking and screaming the whole way. I'd tell myself to stop looking at the big picture and to break it down, focusing on each worry one at a time. Even the smallest steps can help you stride easily into the future. I'd make it a point that no matter what the trouble is, there will always be someone around that can help when the waters are not so clear. If my counsel is properly received, everything that was distressing will seem ridiculous and make one feel much more confident about transitioning into college.
The hardest part about confronting my self after I?ve seen the way I?ve lived, would be explaining all the heartaches, disappointments, and failures. However, I would also explain that all the years of hard choices and bad choices made me the person I?d become. For my sweat and blood I am wiser, far more compassionate, and completely understanding. I would tell my self it is important to live life like ?you? want to. I would explain I learned something from every situation I was in, good or bad. Than I would tell myself college was the best choice you ever made. I would explain that learning from others mistakes was the only circumstance I never took advantage of. And how much easier life could have been, if I had just listed to those who had already lived it. But in the end, just to clarify, I would tell myself to do it all the same, one more time. After all, our choices define us, and I like who I?ve become.
if i were to give advice to myself going back in time, i would urge myself to really remember the memories from senior year. Even though i wanted to get out of school, senior year was my last year to prove myself as a person as an athlete. i would advise myself to try harder at football, and to work everyday so that i could earn a scholarship. I would have given the advice to keep my gpa and to attend every class and try my hardest. I always got the feeling from my teachers that i was a smart kid with plenty of potential but never pushed himself to be his best. the word potential always came up and i would tell myself not to wait for next week to change but change now because it will only help me in the future.
If I had the ability to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, i would give myself one simple word of advice. I would tell myself that the one thing that has the ability to expand who i am as a person is to define who i am rather than trying to adjust to the dream of others. After attending a college that many of my family members are alumni of, I realized that I was never happy and that even though everyone in my family had told me what a great school it was, it was not the school for me. Once i transferred to a school that I decided on without the influence of my family, I felt accepted and had a feeling of belonging. I would tell my high school self that if I pick a college based solely on that criteria that others enjoyed, I will most likely learn only what i am taught in books. If someone has an awkward transition into college than it is extremely difficult to expand socially and mentally. I personally believe that life experiences are just as valuable as the lessons taught in textbooks.
Quite frankly, it has been a decade since I was a high school senior. After high school, I attended a private university in Seattle which felt like something out of a glossy magazine. I left Seattle with an expensive degree in Theology, a less-than-vague idea of what I wanted to do, and no career prospects. After 8 years, a wedding, a baby, and a long stint at Starbucks, I have found clarity of purpose and have returned to school. As a working mom, returning to school hasn't been an easy undertaking but it is all part of the journey. That being said, if I could return to speak with the 18 year-old version of myself, I would simply tell myself to be confident, build relationships, and avoid procrastinating. Other than that, I wouldn?t change a thing. Every success and failure was worth it, because it made me a person who is comfortable in my own skin. Purely for shock value, I would also tell my 18 year-old self that in 11 years she will be pushing a stroller through a campus book store with her toddler screaming that she wants chocolate milk from Starbucks.
The transition into a world of greater maturity and responsibility after high school can be a terrifying place, but it is one of the first few moments when we realize what we are capable of facing this world independently. It is the time in our lives when we begin to realize how vast the world is and how small we are amidst it. If I have learned anything that I would wish to tell myself earlier in life it would be that life is a reflection of your experiences and that the wider your variety of experiences, the bigger and better of a person you become. There is no better way to learn about yourself and the world around you than to experience people and places that you know nothing about. I would tell myself that the sky should be the limit in experiences and that with more experiences comes a greater value of life.
I would say never stop believing that you can do anything, because I think that if I had a little more faith in myself I would have presued my dreams then instead of dinkin around with plan B. Not that plan B is a bad thing but, I am to young to not go for the gold! Now I believe that anything is possible I just have to keep working hard and, have faith in myself!