I have a lot of freedom at my school. I have changed my major with out too much hassel and this way very benneficial. I have had the availability to see other schools of thought and really find my path. The teachers are extremely helpful really care if you learn. The small class sizes have really given me the drive to speak my mind and not be afraid to disagree and make a point. This school has made me a much stronger individual.
I was well prepared for work in biomedical research. I have been doing research since graduating in 2000 with my BA. I am going to earn my MS this term (Sp 2010) from the University of Colorado Denver Health Science Center. I was also invited to attend Recruitment Weekend at Colorado State University Fort Collins to interview for their Neuroscience PhD Program (MCIN), this month. This was all made possible by attending Metro State College of Denver and having formed some deep and lasting relationships with my professors who have continue to mentor me still today.
I developed actual study skills, skills which were not nurtured by parents/ teachers while in high school.
After being done with the first semester in college I have learned that I need to adopt better studying habits. I have also learned that it is not as hard as people make it seem to get good grades. What is hard is finding the financial aid to keep attending college. I know for a fact that going to college is essential to succeed in life but what I don't think is very valuable is taking classes that are not going to be helpful towards the degree I?m trying to pursue but I still have to take those classes. Over all, I think that it's been valuable to attend because I'm learning how to become more responsible and I have learned how to manage my time wisely.
If I could go back in time I'd tell myself to stop procrastinateing and get on to writing my book. Life is short and I was spending my valueble time doing useless things like watching t.v. I need to get on to writing my book and my college education. Now I'm more mature and have my act together but if I had it together when I was senior then I would have gotten more done.
I would say this: "Consider the future as an adventure. You might be tempted to be swayed by distractions in college but try to maintain vigilance and focus. There will be times when you will feel like giving up and 'throwing in the towel.' Remember, college is not about failure; your teachers and those around you wish for you to succeed. When you go through mental blocks, get behind in your tasks, or frustrated with the many pressures of the work around you, ask for help. Seek counselors and follow their advice. This is the defining time in your life where you will become the man that will carry you throughout the rest of your life. Use this time for your betterment. Don't take for granted the opportunities to learn and to teach, to meet others and build relationships, and to develope your character and hopes for the future. If you follow these words then you will surprise yourself by what you can learn and by what you can accomplish. If you follow these words then you will be successful. "
If I could go back and give my self advice about college, it would be that just to take things as they come. Before I went to college I had this ideal where my life would be perfect I would have my nice car and it work great, I would still have my liesure time and I would just overall suceed with no pressure. When I firsted started it seemed like my dream would come true now I see everything in a different light. My car continuely breaks down often at the most inconvient times, between working full time and school full time I am lucky if I get enough sleep, and I am always studying. Now of course I have gotten used to breaking down on the side of the road and always making sure my phone is charged. I have also gotten used to the fact that I don't always get to do what I want I often get to do what I have to do and I am very thankful for when I have time to do what I have to do. I would tell my self hold out for the sunshine it will come eventually.
To go back in time to when I was in high school with the intent of giving advice, an interesting thought when one thinks about it. For myself my advice would actually be fairly simple. In high school I was a poor student, with very low grades. Depending on my high ACT scores to carry me on to college and past someplace I didnt enjoy in my high school. I would try to impart the importance of the everyday school work unto my past self. Try to explain how important that homework assignment may because there will come a time when the study skills of the everday are critical in accomplishing your goals later. That eventually no one will care about your test scores or your grades even really. You will be judged on your knowledge, and you should try your hardest to get as much of that as possible out of school.
If I could go back in time and talk with myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to be patient during this transition. I am learning more than just academics - I'm learning to relate to friends and family as an adult; to be confident; to allow myself to make mistakes. Though I hate change, and though I would rather be in the work force than attending school, this truly is a valuable (though uncomfortable) time. I would advise myself to remember my goals - the reason I am going to college, or the job I want to do after I graduate. I would tell myself not to get so frustrated with the obstacles I see in my way but instead look at all I have already accomplished. Although I don't particularly enjoy this experience, it is life-changing and will be worth it in the long run.
If I could go back and tell myself what I know now about college, I would tell myself to relax more. Originally, I went to a school where I thought I was supposed to go. I got burnt out very quickly. I would tell myself to figure out what I really love and to choose a school that would alllow me to do that and to enjoy my college experience more.